Christ to est. kingdom Rejected by Jews Church est. instead RAPTURE Paradise Tribulation Christ returns Battle of Armageddon Resurrection of trib. Saints Judgment of saints Kingdom est. in Jerusalem Jews converted Satan bound 1,000 years of peace Wicked raised Wicked – hell Righteous - heaven
Church built according to God’s eternal purpose Eph. 3:9-11 Christ sacrificed For the Church Eph. 5:25 Live faithfully 2 Pet. 3:14-18 Christ returns Dead raised Judgment Eternity 2 Pet. 3:9-13
Premillennialism states the Last Days are yet in our future ✶ Filled with tribulation ✶ Preceded by signs ▴ War ▴ Earthquake ▴ Tsunami
Scriptural doctrine of the Last Days -Started about 2,000 years ago ✶ Joel & Peter, Acts 2:16-21 ✶ Paul & John, 1 Tim. 4:1, 2; 1 Jn. 4:1-6 ✶ Hebrews 1:1, 2 ▴ War ▴ Earthquake ▴ Tsunami
Scriptural doctrine of the Last Days -Started about 2,000 years ago Patriarch DaysMosaic DaysGospel Days Beginning Time Middle Time End Time 1st2ndLast
Translation of the church ✶ “The present age, in respect to the church, terminates with the translation of the church into the Lord’s presence” - J. Dwight Pentecost, Things To Come
Translation of the church ✶ “The doctrine of translation of the church is one of the major considerations of the Eschatology of the New Testament (…1 Thess. 4:13-18…)” - J. Dwight Pentecost, Things To Come
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 ✶ Some asleep in Jesus ✶ Jesus to return with them ✶ Living will not hinder the dead ✶ Dead in Christ rise first ✶ Living join them in the clouds
Christ to est. kingdom Rejected by Jews Church est. instead RAPTURE Paradise Tribulation Christ returns Battle of Armageddon Resurrection of trib. Saints Judgment of saints Kingdom est. in Jerusalem Jews converted Satan bound 1,000 years of peace Wicked raised Wicked – hell Righteous - heaven Quiet & unknown VS. Shout, voice, trumpet – 1 Thes. 4:16 7 YEARS
Christ to est. kingdom Rejected by Jews Church est. instead RAPTURE Paradise Tribulation Christ returns Battle of Armageddon Resurrection of trib. Saints Judgment of saints Kingdom est. in Jerusalem Jews converted Satan bound 1,000 years of peace Wicked raised Wicked – hell Righteous - heaven Separate comings VS. that “day” 1 Thes. 5:1-4; 2 Thes. 1: YEARS
Christ to est. kingdom Rejected by Jews Church est. instead RAPTURE Paradise Tribulation Christ returns Battle of Armageddon Resurrection of trib. Saints Judgment of saints Kingdom est. in Jerusalem Jews converted Satan bound 1,000 years of peace Wicked raised Wicked – hell Righteous - heaven Resurrections 1,007 years apart VS. same hour, Jn. 5:28, 29 7 YEARS
Christ to est. kingdom Rejected by Jews Church est. instead RAPTURE Paradise Tribulation Christ returns Battle of Armageddon Resurrection of trib. Saints Judgment of saints Kingdom est. in Jerusalem Jews converted Satan bound 1,000 years of peace Wicked raised Wicked – hell Righteous - heaven 7 years in “rapture” VS. with the Lord forever, 1 Thes. 4:17 7 YEARS
Silence of Epistles on the tribulation ✶ “Not only is there no syllable of Scripture which affirms that the church will enter the great tribulation, but [the Lord] nor the epistles… so much as mention the great tribulation” - J. Dwight Pentecost, Things To Come
Tribulation for whom? Mt. 24:21 ✶ Matthew 24 for the disciples ▴ Tribulation facing saints, Mt. 24:1, 3, 9 ▴ Localized in Judea, Mt. 24:16 ▴ Faithful to flee, Mt. 24:16
What does Matthew 24 teach? ✶ Three questions, Mt. 24:1-3 ▴ When will these things be? ▴ What will be the sign of Your coming? ▴ What will be the sign… of the end of the age?
What does Matthew 24 teach? ✶ First two answered in 24:4-35 ▴ Judgment against Jews ▴ Rome to destroy Jerusalem, Lk. 21:20-24 ▴ Temple destroyed ▴ That generation to see it, Mt. 24:33-35
What does Matthew 24 teach? ✶ Last question answered in 24:36-51 ▴ No sign given, 24:37-39 ▴ One taken, another left, 24:40, 41 See 1 Thes. 4:16, 17 Faithful & Unfaithful Separated Faithful taken to heaven Unfaithful banished to hell