Expanding the Research Landscape with Mobile An Examination of ebrary’s App
Some librarians or faculty may have the following thoughts concerning mobile, according to Library Journal Limited or low budgets Competing priorities Overburdened library technologists and/or insufficient skills on site Overall perceptions that mobile services were not necessary ebrary will show you how its mobile app, coupled with changing technology and research solves these issues
Consumer technology is constantly evolving, and as a company, we want to keep pace to serve our end-users 1 Pew Internet & American Life Project 2 ebrary’s 2011 Global Student E-book Survey 3 ebrary’s Download Survey Smart phone ownership now exceeds other types of cell phones 1 Share of adults (in the US) who own tablets (iPad ®, Kindle, Nook, etc.) has nearly doubled from 10% to 19% in the 2011 holiday season 1 60% stated downloading to mobile devices is “very important” 2 librarians ranked the iPad above laptops as important devices for offline access 3
Much more than just online viewing E-books acquired by the library under any model Documents upload by libraries with DASH!™ (Data Sharing, Fast) Personal research added through the app itself
Example: Academic Complete™ 78,000+ titles Unlimited online access Downloads Continued collection growth DASH! Ability to enhance with purchased titles Affordably priced And now… Optimized online and offline access Ability to add personal research Facebook sign in (with or without app)
Online and offline reading Seamless downloading of full titles Sign-in with Facebook user name and password Simple and advanced search Multiple navigation controls Table of contents with relevancy rankings Early check-in of ebrary’s e-books Copy and paste with automatic citation (offline) User configurable download size warnings Import and use documents from other sources Available in English and Spanish Available on the iPhone®, iPad®, iPod Touch® and Android™
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