Martin Luther King, Jr. Support movement of NON-VIOLENCE 2 belief systems Civil disobedience—Thoreau, Gandhi Christianity Denounce injustice Love your enemies King is assassinated by James Earl Ray in 1968
Montgomery Bus Boycott Rosa Parks arrested Boycott begins—lasts 1 year Walked Everywhere ¾ of all passengers are black 1 year long Supreme Court orders desegregation of buses
Brown v. Board of Education Jim Crow laws enforce segregation—Plessy v. Ferguson—1896 “separate but equal” The fight back begins with schools No true equality with forced segregation Public schools had to be desegregated Opens way for more
Little Rock Central HS Southern opposition leads to delays Gov. of AK resists Little Rock Nine try to integrate the school Pres. Eisenhower calls in troops to protect them 1 st black grad is Ernest Green
Sit-ins—1960 NON-VIOLENT Attempt to desegregate SNCC (snick) Train students in non-violence Woolworth’s lunch counter—Greensboro, S.C. Students took abuse Name calling to getting punched
Freedom Rides South continues to ignore integration James Farmer - organizer Sent “freedom riders” to increase voter registration Faced jail, bombs, beatings Federal gov’t finally supports ICC enforcing the law