1985 Mikhail Gorbachev becomes General Secretary of the party and leader of the Soviet Union -> the last leader of the USSR 1. Economic problems 2. Lagging behind in high technology 3. Decline in the standard of living
The _______ ________ Saddam Hussein’s Iraq invades Kuwait -> USA organizes a coalition and drives him out
US efforts to prevent Iraq’s takeover of Kuwait was declared by President G.H.W. Bush to be part of a _________ _______ _______ -> in which the US would lead the world in maintaining peace and stability
_______________ was the leader of the Soviet Union and General Secretary of the Communist Party during the 1970’s -> a long period of economic stagnation and decline _____________ ______________ said the Soviet Union would use military force to keep communist regimes in power in all of Eastern Europe
______________ = “restructuring” = reform of the economy ____________ = “openness” = political and social reform = encouragement of public and open discussion
The Soviet Union disintegrated in > it was replaced by a new and voluntary unit called the ___________ ___ __________.
____________ is first ever democratically elected leader of Russia -> transition from communist economic system to free market economic system -> privatization, shock therapy, corruption, inflation, economic chaos, rise of the oligarchs, inequality -> rise of organized crime and social change -> loss of international prestige, power and status
1999 Yeltsin suddenly resigns and names ______________ as his successor -> adopts more assertive/independent role in international relations Stabilizes the economy Benefits from massive rise in revenues from oil resources Begins to limit political rights and freedoms
_____________ = independent noncommunist labor union in Poland 1. Workers 2. Intellectuals 3. Catholic Church __________ ________ leader of Solidarity and will be the first democratically elected president of non-communist Poland
1989 communist Czechoslovakia collapses -> Czechs and Slovaks disagreed over the makeup of the new state -> in 1993 there was a peaceful division of the state into two new countries
The last communist leader of East Germany
In the summer and fall of 1988 massive emigration and demonstrations broke out across East Germany -> borders with the West opened and hundreds of thousands celebrated and began to destroy the Berlin with sledge hammers
Leader of the Serbian communist party in Yugoslavia -> Serbian nationalist -> tried to maintain Serbian control over Yugoslavia -> fought a war with Croatia
Bosnia and Kosovo were regions of Yugoslavia that split from Serbian control after fighting bitter and bloody wars in the early 1990’s and in 1999
Serbian policy of killing or forcibly removing Bosnian Muslims from their lands -> 250,000 Bosnians were killed by 1995 and 2 million fled
West German policy of chacellor Willy Brandt in the 1970’s -> “opening to the east” -> West Germany tried to establish closer connections with East Germany