Assistive Technology Assistive Technology Assistive Technology. Assistive Technology Jim Ellam Staffordshire County Council
Its about the outcomes not the technology
5 Technology themes Stand alone Community Alarms and Telecare Telehealth Mobile apps & online self management Tele-video and Tele -diagnosis
Outcomes sell technology
Just Checking The Just Checking system allows people with dementia or memory loss, to continue to live independently. It monitors a person in their home, and provides a chart of activity via the internet. “Lifestyle monitoring”
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Community Alarms & Telecare
Mr and Mrs B “Mr B sleeps like a log!! His wife visits the bathroom 2 or 3 times during the night, because she is unsteady on her feet she was constantly falling and injuring her self, her husband would not know any of this until she could wake him by shouting or even not until the next morning when he has found her on the floor at night and has fallen on several, occasions, lying on the floor until he wakes up”.
Mobile apps & self care
Technology enabling outcomes Assessment Independence Carer support Risk management and mitigation Underpinning integrated working and record sharing Service efficiencies and new models of care Attracting new funding ….?????
Consider a working group that would include Telecare leads and housing provider representatives. This group would discuss issues such as: General awareness and training on AT for housing providers in WM. Support in training opportunities for dementia, LD, falls, medication management etc. Advising on the current gaps in technology provision and how these can be overcome and where technology can deliver efficiencies and attract investment. Ensuring that all housing providers are aware of the services they can access for their tenants i.e. strengthening local partnerships and a directory of AT services in the West Midlands.
Sources of information
Jim Ellam