Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople sites – a regional analysis North East Housing Board 3 June 2010 Gill Leng, Executive Director HQN
Project aims To establish whether: Needs are understood Gypsies, Travellers and Showpeople are engaged Deliverable plans are in place and progress is being made Clear outcomes have been identified Identify issues and challenges and remedial action Use findings to inform policy development and resource planning
Our approach Desktop review of: Existing data, research and information Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessments (GTAAs) Policy documents and published literature Consultation with: Local authority officers Members of the Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople communities Health, children and young people’s services, adult social care, Supporting People Homes and Communities Agency (HCA)
National framework Previous government ‘to ensure that everyone has the opportunity of living in a decent home’ Addressing under provision and fair access – homes and services Reducing unauthorised encampment but preventing eviction Protecting the traditional way of life Housing Act 2004, planning circulars and good practice guide New coalition government Approach not confirmed but £30m cut in gypsy & traveller site grant Focus on illegal and unauthorised sites Planning rules to be scrapped
Regional and local policy framework North East of England Plan July extra pitches by 2020, location not identified Pre-dated sub-regional GTAAs, informed by 2007 regional assessment Travelling Showpeople’s needs not included Local needs by GTAAs: 247 to 308 pitches Regional Housing Strategy 2007 Action and investment needed to address needs Sustainable community strategies Local area agreements Local development frameworks and housing strategies Informed by GTAAs
Gypsy, Traveller and Showpeople accommodation - population Based on Sub-regional GTAAs, excl Co. Durham Estimates on ‘best available’ – underestimate eg, ‘bricks and mortar’ Gypsies and Travellers Population – 2,301 to 2,357. Over 50% living in Tees Valley 654 families Travelling Showpeople Population to 480. Over 80% living in Tyne and Wear 184 families Household type Predominantly families Significant minorities of younger single and older person households
Gypsy, Traveller and Showpeople – unmet needs GTAAs identified Existing provision of 327 pitches and 184 plots, wide variation Need for up to 308 Gypsy and Traveller pitches Need for 49 Travelling Showpeople plots (excl. County Durham) Need for more transit sites – supply not quantified but would base on unauthorised encampments GTAAs did engage with communities in assessment Other needs eg, health and housing support Inequalities attributed to lack of suitable secure accommodation County Durham Identified housing support needs and service commissioned Durham and Darlington NHS research Specific site work to inform services and facilities
Accommodation need - detail Additional permanent pitch/plot needs and compared with existing provision at time of GTAA Gypsies and TravellersTravelling ShowpeopleTotal ProvisionGTAA Period Existing provisionAdditional pitch needs Existing provisionAdditional plot needs County Durham n/k* Northumberland Darlington Hartlepool06006 Middlesbrough Redcar &0**Minus 4**00 Cleveland Stockton on Tees Tyne and Wear Gateshead Newcastleo8o08 North Tyneside09009 South Tyneside713***25348 Sunderland Total * County Durham GTAA did not consider the needs of Travelling Showpeople. The refresh will. *** Redcar and Cleveland reopened a 17-pitch site just after the fieldwork period. This was taken into account for future supply, not current supply. The area was identified as having over- provision ****The existing site with 11 pitches in S. Tyneside has temporary authorisation until March The requirement for an additional 13 new pitches assumes that the existing site will be closed – ie, the net additional requirement is two pitches
Understanding needs - our review identified Unmet need remains and supply not readily understood Existing provision of 335 pitches, 52 transit pitches and 179 plots* Gaps in evidence Population size Those housed in ‘bricks and mortar’ Unauthorised encampments Movement within and across region and sub-regions Housing support, health and social care needs No arrangements for Regular updates (Census 2011) Information sharing between commissioners Engagement of community in site allocations Population concentrated where there is provision No choice and need ‘ where it is seen to arise’
Recommendations Understanding Research preferences for location of permanent and transit with communities Research Needs of ‘housed’ Gypsies and Travellers Consistent ethnic monitoring and systematic recording of needs as arise eg, from HAs, housing services etc, Co-ordinated approach to assessment of need (annual) and supply of accommodation and services Direction Regional and sub-regional strategic approach to pitch distribution Sub-regional and local collaboration with strategic partners eg, health, social care, education Response Regional approach to recording & dealing with encampment eg, joint protocols
Responding to needs – our review identified Refurbishment has been main focus for authorities Limited new provision (31 new pitches incl. current plans) Attracted over £6m GTSG in last 4 years plus LA capital funding Bids for 2010/11 and working towards 2011/12 bids HCA reduction of £30m Scale of need will require significant resources 357 pitches/plots - £35.7m? Cost of unauthorised encampment £18m pa. nationally No full compliance with 2009 management good practice All are putting plans in place
Meeting needs – our recommendations Work collaboratively (agencies and communities) to explore alternative ways of meeting need Joint working/provision – share costs; pool resources; achieve economies of scale Disposal of publicly-held land at discounted values Local authority and partner funding eg RSLs, PCT s106 affordable housing obligations/ commuted sums Prioritise new provision programme to guide bids for GTSG funding? Community land trust and self build options Explore private sector alternatives Ensure engagement to influence location and design, improve choice, provide for a range of needs
Strategic direction – our review identified Comprehensive strategic policy frameworks which provide clear direction not in place yet Northumberland & County Durham Sustainable Community Strategy Site allocation DPDs not in place – North Tyneside most advanced Gypsy and Traveller Strategies – Northumberland, Redcar & Cleveland and South Tyneside, plus County Durham action plan New housing strategies in development in three sub-regions Elected member – leadership and support Varies, with some examples of joint working eg, County Durham Sub regional and regional approaches Some examples of joint working eg, Tyne and Wear working group Northumberland and County Durham – new unitary status Gateshead & Newcastle joint core strategy
Strategic direction – our recommendations ‘Where it makes sense’…sub-regional and/or local? Clear communication that a) needs understood and b) have been considered in development of plans for an area eg, SCS reflect specific needs of Gypsies, Travellers and Showpeople LDFs to clearly identify how new pitch needs will be met Joint commissioning plans with other strategic partners Communication and engagement plans make clear how Gypsy, Travellers and Showpeople can be involved in shaping plans and services Raise awareness and strengthen local leadership Identify Champions – officer and elected member (executive) Seek elected member support eg, LGA/IDeA Develop effective approaches to consultation
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