DMPS Emma Knapp Continuous Improvement Coordinator Check out our Continuous Improvement Staff Resource Center page and our Weebly
What is Continuous Improvement? A time-tested set of tools, an organizational desire, to understand and solve problems within systems and processes, by engaging staff to improve productivity, quality, staff morale, and customer service.
Principles of Continuous Improvement Engage the people who work in the process to improve the process Focus on creating value from the customer’s perspective Bring measurable and sustained improvement
Lean Problem-Solving Methodology Plan Do Check Act Identify student need Define current level of performance Establish goal on desired performance level Collect data Define action steps to achieve goal Implement action plan Monitor both the results and the process Evaluate effectiveness of plan Standardize success Adjust action plan Sustain improvements
Value Added (VA) Process Steps Transform the service Directly benefit the end-user customer Done right the 1 st time Non-Value Added (NVA) Process Steps Do not directly benefit the customer Can be eliminated without reducing service quality and functionality Non-Value Added, but Required (NVA-R) Process Steps Do not directly benefit the customer Are currently required (e.g., legislation, audit, and risk requirements) How is “Value” Defined? Value is defined from the customer’s perspective
Voice of the Customer WHO are our customers? L Who are our KEY customers? What do they want/need?
PDCA in the Classroom Set a goal Identify different instructional approaches Pilot different approaches Measure student progress based on approach Obtain feedback from students on approaches Change or abandon approaches Post results visually
Resources Carnegie Foundation: Continuous Improvement in Education Using Lean in the Flipped Classroom for At Risk Students Digital Learning Now Smart Series: Blended Learning Implementation Guide 3.0
Activity 1.PLAN: Identify 2 to 3 goals you want to achieve in your classroom 2.PLAN: How will you know you are successful? 3.DO: Brainstorm potential solutions 4.DO: Create action plan for implementation 5.CHECK: How will you measure improvements?