New Skills Network Thematic project. Project details  Network coordinated by the Icelandic National Agency for EU´s Lifelong Learning Programme  15.


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Presentation transcript:

New Skills Network Thematic project

Project details  Network coordinated by the Icelandic National Agency for EU´s Lifelong Learning Programme  15 partner countries AT, BG, BE, DK, EE, FI, HU, IS, LT, PO, NL, NO, SE, SI, SK  36 months  Focus on different actions within the Lifelong Learning rogramme (centralised and decentralised projects)

The challenge Labour markets – and the skills people need are evolving fast and future jobs will require higher education levels and a different mix of skills and qualifications

The challenge  Globalisation  Technology Change  Climate change  Demographic change – ageing and migration  Gender imbalances

Background to theme  Europe with a highly-skilled and flexible workforce is still far from reality  2007 Council Resolution, “New skills for new jobs” stressed the need to anticipate the skill needs and skill gaps emerging in the European labour market...then  DG Education & DG Employment publish the Communication “New Skills for New Jobs” in December 2008 focusing on several policy goals:  strengthening EUs capacity for upgrading skills at all levels  anticipating and matching labour market and skill needs  meeting different skills profiles and needs in different countries

Anticipating skills  The New skills for new jobs initiative recognises need for better labour-market information and improved capability to anticipate changing skill needs  CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) carries out an analysis and a forecast of employment and skill needs across Europe until 2020 and identifies labour market trends M edium-term forecast of occupational skill needs in Europe (2007) Future skill needs in Europe: medium-term forecast (2008) Future skill supply in Europe (medium-term forecast up to 2020)

What kind of skills are needed?

Project rationale – main objectives  help ensure that the LLP Programme supports Member States adequately in skills upgrading and skills matching through the mobilisation of existing Community policies and funds  facilitate development of more projects aimed at developing processes, methods and tools aimed at helping Europe closing the current skills gap and facilitating the upgrade of skills  impact new policy developments and setting of long-term strategic priorities at Community and Member State levels related to theme

Specific Aims  create a state of play of the New Skills for New Jobs theme  collection of background policy documents and creation of country factsheets  collect & analyse project outputs and examine how successful the LLP has been in contributing to the upgrading of skills and skills matching in Europe  identify “best practices” and facilitate further exploitation and mainstreaming through various dissemination activities  inspire further policy development with concrete recommendations to policy-makers and other stakeholders at EU and MS levels  heighten the profile of the LLP Programme as a tool for skills development in Europe  support networking between project promoters and stakeholders

Stakeholders  Target groups and target sectors are many!  Important to map stakeholders.....which are also many  Decision makers/takers  Researchers and experts on NSNJ theme  Umbrella and Sectoral organisations (Employers and Employee organisations)  The Media  Businesses and business organisations  Statistical offices  Educational sector (vocational education institutes, continuing education, higher education institutes)  Public offices (e.g. Employment and training agencies)  European Agencies (DG EMPL, EDUCATION, ENTR, Cedefop, EuroFound, ILO, ETF )

Seminars  Peer Learning & skills(Iceland, 30 May –June )  Mobility & skills(Belgium, Nov 8, 2010)  Sectors & skills(Hungary, April/May 2011)  Networking & skills – a contact seminar (Iceland,Oct/Nov 2011)  Final conference & project fair (Denmark, May 2012)  Follow-up seminars(Partner countries, )

Other activities & outputs  network website,  inventory of project outputs (database)  network electronic newsletter (2 per year)  “best practice” project cases in several languages  synthesis report on theme and country “quick scan” reports  recommendations from NSNJ seminars  “funny” promotional video clips  posters & brochures

How can you contribute ?  provide information on initiatives in your organisation or country (policy-making or practical experiences)  identify experts and stakeholders in your country who could contribute to our project analysis,planning of events, and participate in events  identify national stakeholders to participate in planned events  disseminate “best practice” project cases from across Europe and other dissemination materials such as newsletters and other promotional material  send us tips on interesting articles, projects and activities in your country related to the theme

Make sure you are part of the future!

Stay in touch! Your Contact information NSN Network website