The Boy who Lived Before: Are past-life experiences proof of reincarnation? Make a note of today’s title in your book. The remind yourself about the story so far.
Evidence for both sides For the story being true Cameron talked about this from an early age He got the details of the house and the surname of his father right He somehow knew the name of the island He was consistent in the story he told His reaction when he saw the house suggested that he knew it Against the story He got many of the details wrong (eg. his father’s first name) He could have made a lucky guess at the other information How come so few people know about their past lives? There are no details of a child dying at around that time Which of these arguments is the strongest? Write them in your book in the order they should go from strongest to weakest. You could add in arguments of your own.
Assessment: Are past-life experiences proof of reincarnation? Four Sections: – Introduction – explain what past-life experiences are and give an example. What are you going to argue? For or against? – Arguments in favour – why might some people agree that these experience show reincarnation? Are these good arguments? – Arguments against – why might some people disagree that these experience show reincarnation? Are these good arguments? – Conclusion: Which side of the argument is strongest? What makes it stronger than the other side?