POD: How old is the Earth. (Three complete sentences)
When was the Universe was Born? About 14,500,000,000 years ago 14.5 Billion years ago
The Earth was Born About 4,600,000,000 years ago 4.6 Billion years
What is the study of Earth Called? Geology
What makes up the Earth? About 8,000 miles in diameter. There are Four zones.
Four zones of the Earth Inner Core Outer Core MantleCrust
#1 : Inner Core Solid Core 750 miles in diameter 5,000 Fahrenheit
#2 : Outer Core 1,400 miles in diameter Nickel & Iron Creates the North & South Poles
#3 : Mantle 1,800 miles in diameter Solid rock The top is molten rock (called Asterosphere)
#4 : Crust Called the Lithosphere 20 – 60 miles in diameter We live on top of this level
What are the Theories of Geology ? CatastrophismUniformitarianism Modern Geology
#1 : Catastrophism Changes to the Earth happen suddenly. Changes happen due to Asteroids, Volcanoes, & Earthquakes.
#2 : Uniformitarianism Changes to the Earth happen slowly. Changes happen due to rain, animals, rivers, and oceans.
#3 : Modern Theory Changes to the Earth happen Suddenly&Slowly
What else do scientists study to find out about the past ? Living Organisms from the past
What is the study of past life called? Paleontology
What is studied of past life? fossils
HOMEWORK Homework page 271 #2.a.b.c.