Microsoft Imagine Academy and Microsoft Certification 4/28/2017 6:26 PM Microsoft Imagine Academy and Microsoft Certification Power their future – skills & employability solutions Wisconsin 2016 Wifi: CESA6-Public No Password Needed Presenter: Jason Majors and Diane Malachowski Future-ready skills and credentials for employability in a STEM-infused economy and workforce © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Microsoft Imagine Academy 4/28/2017 6:26 PM Microsoft Imagine Academy Helps prepare students for careers in a technology demanding world What? A complete technology education solution connecting staff, teachers, students, employers and local communities through leading-edge technology skills development Why? Connects education and the real world Equips students with the IT skills needed for successful careers in today’s workforce Provides professional development resources for staff and educators Who? Membership is open to global academic institutions including public or private K–12 schools, vocational schools, correspondence schools, junior colleges, colleges, universities, or scientific/technical schools © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Prepare The Next Generation for Success 4/28/2017 6:26 PM 73% of new jobs in the next five years will require technology skills1 Prepare The Next Generation for Success Prepared students Successful schools Vibrant communities Imagine Academy and Certification provide a comprehensive technology education solution empowering the next generation with the knowledge and skills to succeed in college and career. The vast majority of new jobs created in the next five years will require technology skills. Providing your institution to the resources available through Imagine Academy ensures that your students have access to the latest technology training and allows students to validate their new skills with globally recognized Microsoft Certification. What: A complete technology education solution connecting staff, teachers, students, employers and local communities through leading-edge technology skills development Why: Connects education and the real world. Equips students with the IT and productivity skills needed for successful careers in today’s workforce. Provides professional development resources for staff and educators Who: Membership is open to academic institutions including public or private K–12 schools, vocational schools, correspondence schools, junior colleges, colleges, universities, libraries, or scientific/technical schools Provide the curriculum, the training ground, and the validation of skills that college and career- bound students need to achieve through the Microsoft Imagine Academy program 1Source: US-BLS Employment Projections © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Microsoft Certifications 4/28/2017 6:26 PM The speed of technology innovation demands ongoing training — those with IT certification perform better and are more confident employees Microsoft Certifications Empower students and professionals to do more, be more, and earn more Entry-level new hires with certification Simplify the candidate screening process Reach full productivity sooner Have longer tenures, on average Have more opportunities for advancement Certified staff Earn 15% more, on average, than staff without certification Have higher productivity for server, database, and application teams Teams are nearly 20% more productive Can support complex and evolving technologies and security issues Microsoft Certifications validate newly acquired technology skills, setting your students apart from other candidates and boosting their potential career opportunities. Employers recognize Microsoft Certifications around the world as the premier technology certification. Candidates with certifications are more likely to be hired, reach full productivity sooner, are retained in positions longer and see faster career advancement than their non-certified peers on average. They also earn 15% more, are 20% more productive and can support complex and evolving technologies and more readily identify and address security issues. Certified Employees Show Improved Productivity, Increased Efficiency, IDC WhitePaper2016 © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Jobs In Demand by Technology 4/28/2017 Jobs In Demand by Technology Santiago 99 27 85 766 Dallas 708 312 823 10603 Berlin 679 206 147 1674 Philadelphia 560 555 561 8504 Tokyo 2662 470 2052 2499 Toronto 978 943 543 9298 Mumbai 1092 617 484 2332 Amsterdam 140 290 1937 Sydney 842 1332 299 3167 Warsaw 262 23 116 Source:, April 2016 © 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Academic Portfolio Promise All content leads to Certification Multiple Languages Supported Six core languages: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese Simplified, French, German, Spanish (LATAM) Three investment languages: Dutch, Japanese and Korean Prof Dev for every educator Badges DL TwT For Academic Portfolio Information: Academic Curriculum Overview Academic Title Plan Dashboard Academic Product Type Descriptions Academic Products Newsletters Academic Curriculum Overview Academic Product Type Descriptions Academic Title Plan Dashboard Academic Products Newsletters
Microsoft Imagine Academy Curriculum 4/28/2017 6:26 PM Microsoft Imagine Academy Curriculum © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Microsoft Imagine Academy Benefits 4/28/2017 6:26 PM Microsoft Imagine Academy Benefits Save time and money on course implementation and delivery MOAC Microsoft Official Academic Course Study guides Online learning Up to 50% discount on MS Press and MOAC books, and Wiley resources Customizable lesson plans © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Certifications offered to Academic Audiences Computer Science IT Infrastructure Productivity Creative Coding through Apps and Games (CCGA) MTA 98-366 Networking Fundamentals Digital Literacy Academyl Literacy Certification v4 MTA 98-361 Software Development Fundamentals MTA 98-368 Mobility and Devices Fundamentals MOS 77-418 Word 2013 MTA 98-375 HTML5 App Development Fundamentals MTA 98-364 Database Fundamentals MOS 77-425/426 Word 2013 Expert MTA 98-364 Database Fundamentals MTA 98-369 Cloud Fundamentals MOS 77-422 PowerPoint 2013 73-480 Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 MCP 73-687 Configuring Windows 8.1 MCP 73-410 Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 MOS 77-420 Excel 2013 MCP 73-481 Essentials of Developing Windows Store Apps using HTML5 and JavaScript MCP 73-688 Supporting Windows 8.1 MCP 73-411 Administering Windows Server 2012 MOS 77-427/428 Excel 2013 Expert MCP 73-482 Advanced Windows Store App Development using HTML5 and JavaScript MCP 73-347 Enabling Office 365 Services MCP 73-412 Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services
MS Imagine Academy Portfolio, by subject area, for Computer Science Productivity Computer Science IT Infrastructure Digital Literacy, Windows, O365, Word, PPT, Excel Programming Basics, Programming Concepts, Application Development Managing Infrastructure for Cloud, Clients, Devices, Databases and O365 Subject Area Certification Online Learning MOAC Lesson Plans Study Guides Creative Coding through Games and Apps Introduction to Computer Science LeX-built semester course (ENU in Aug 2015) Advanced Placement CS Java Supplemental Lessons Software Development Fundamentals HTML5 Application Development Fundamentals HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript Essentials: Windows Store Apps Advanced: Windows Store Apps Badges
MS Imagine Academy Portfolio, by subject area, for IT Infrastructure Productivity Computer Science IT Infrastructure Digital Literacy, Windows, O365, Word, PPT, Excel Programming Basics, Programming Concepts, Application Development Managing Infrastructure for Cloud, Clients, Devices, Databases and O365 Subject Area Certification Online Learning MOAC Lesson Plans Study Guides Networking Fundamentals Mobility & Device Fundamentals Cloud Fundamentals Database Fundamentals Configuring Windows 8.1 Supporting Windows 8.1 Enabling Office 365 Services Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 Administering Windows Server 2012 Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services Badges
MS Imagine Academy Portfolio, by subject area, for Productivity Computer Science IT Infrastructure Digital Literacy, Windows, O365, Word, PowerPoint, Excel Programming Basics, Programming Concepts, Application Development Managing Infrastructure for Cloud, Clients, Devices, Databases and O365 Subject Area Certification Online Learning MOAC Lesson Plans Study Guides Digital Literacy Academy Literacy Teaching With Technology Office 365 Word 2013 Essentials Word 2013 Expert Excel 2013 Essentials Excel 2013 Expert PowerPoint 2013 Essentials Badges
Productivity Title Type Languages Title Type Languages Word 2013 Essentials and Expert, Excel 2013 Essentials and Expert, PowerPoint 2013 Press Study Guide ENU, ARA Word 2013 Essentials Interactive Online ENU, ARA, PTB, CHS, DEU, DUT, FRA, JPN, KOR, LAS, RUS Lesson Plans KOR Word 2013 Expert Excel 2013 Essentials Excel 2013 Expert PowerPoint 2013 Essentials Microsoft Office 365 Essentials ENU Microsoft Office Online Essentials One Drive for Business Yammer Power BI Office for iPad Title Type Languages Word 2013 Essentials and Expert, Excel 2013 Essentials and Expert, PowerPoint 2013 Press Study Guide DUT, CHS, JPN, GRC Word 2013 Essentials and Expert MOAC LAS, PTB, FRA, DEU Word 2013 Expert Lesson Plans DUT, ENU, ARA, CHS, KOR, JPN Excel 2013 Essentials and Expert Excel 2013 Expert PowerPoint 2013 Essentials Microsoft Office 365 Essentials Interactive Online ARA, PTB, CHS, DEU, DUT, FRA, JPN, KOR, LAS, RUS Microsoft Office Online Essentials Skype ENU Office Mobile/Android
Up 12% to 4.4 million IT jobs by 20241 4/28/2017 6:26 PM 91% of hiring managers consider employee certification as a criterion for hiring2 Jump Start Careers Provide future generations the advantage they need to lead the way Microsoft Imagine Academy Certification Hired for jobs Imagine Academy coupled with Certification provides comprehensive technology training and skills validation solution for your educators and students ensuring the next generation is prepared for success in college and career. Link to source: Up 12% to 4.4 million IT jobs by 20241 1 Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook Handbook and Career Guide to Industries 2 Pearson VUE 2015 Value of IT Certification Survey : © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Microsoft Imagine Academy 4/28/2017 6:26 PM Microsoft Imagine Academy Validation Learn to Code Offerings: TouchDevelop Creative Coding through Games & Apps (CCGA) Intro to Programming (Python) MTA Software Development Fundamentals MTA HTML5 App Development Fundamentals MCP Programming and HTML5 JavaScript and CSS3 MCP Essentials of Developing Windows Store Apps Using JavaScript and HTML5 MCP Advanced Windows Store App Development Using HTML5 and JavaScript MCSD Windows Store Apps Exploration CS AP Java Exam Prep Lessons Computer Science Productivity Digital Literacy MOS One Note: One Note 2010, 2013 MOS Word: Word 2010, 2013 MOS PowerPoint: PowerPoint 2010, 2013 MOS Excel: Excel 2010, 2013 MOS Word Expert X2: Word 2010, 2013 MOS Excel Expert X2: Excel 2010, 2013 MOS Access: Access 2010, 2013 MOS Master IT Infrastructure Supported Languages: Arabic Chinese Dutch English French German Japanese Korean Portuguese Spanish Windows 10 MTA Security Fundamentals MTA Networking Fundamentals MTA Cloud Fundamentals MCP Configuring Windows 10 MCP Supporting Windows 10 MCP Configuring Windows Devices MCSA Windows 10 Windows Server Azure Microsoft Certified Educator (MCE) Certification MCE demonstrates that educators have achieved technology literacy in six content areas, mapped to the UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers, Technology Literacy: Education policy Organization and administration ICT/technology book Pedagogy Curriculum and assessment Professional development MCP Installing and Configuring Windows Servers 2012 MCP Administering Windows Servers 2012 MCP Configuring Advanced Windows Servers 2012 MCSA Windows Servers 2012 MCP Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions MCP Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions MCP Architecting Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions Curriculum and Certifications Pathways Visit Published 2016 © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Microsoft Imagine Academy: Growing Academic Ecosystem 4/28/2017 6:26 PM Microsoft Imagine Academy: Growing Academic Ecosystem Reach 1.7 million students and 85,000 educators annually Over 16,000 educators certified 1.4 million student certification exams in the last year Over 16,000 Microsoft Imagine Academy members in over 140 countries Imagine Academy reaches 1.7 million students and over 85,000 educators annually providing the latest technology training, online learning and access to a full suite of resources and curriculum across three areas of study – localized to 10 core languages in 140 countries. 16,000 educators have been certified through Imagine Academy and 1.4 million student certification exams have been deployed in the last year. Over 1 million Online Learning users © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.