We teach our kids to share…
But sometimes they share more than they should…
As parents, we strive to keep our kids safe in many ways…
Protection from the sun…
Safety In Cars…
And Safety in our homes…
Vaccinations are just as important
Children’s bodies are not strong enough to fight off disease.
Vaccines prevent many diseases that previously caused many child fatalities.
Thanks to vaccines, most children never have to suffer the misery of these illnesses or diseases…
Measles Mumps Rubella (German measles) Varicella (Chickenpox) Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Influenza Pertussis (whooping cough) Polio Tetanus Rotavirus
What is a vaccine?
Vaccines contain parts of microbes or whole microbes that have been killed or weakened so that they don’t cause disease.
Vaccines are most commonly injected.
They can also be given by mouth
or by nasal spray.
For the most part, side effects are minor. Sore arm Low-grade fever
Do vaccines cause autism?
Studies that showed a possible link between vaccines and autism were flawed.
The CDC has no evidence of a link between vaccines and autistic disorders.
Autism speaks highly recommends parents to vaccinate their children.
When should children be vaccinated?
Birth: Dose 1 of 3 - Hepatitis B vaccine
1-2 Months: Dose 2 of 3 - Hepatitis B vaccine
Dose 1 of 5 -Dtap (diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis) Dose 1 of 4 – Hib (pneumonia) Dose 1 of 4 – IVP (polio) Dose 1 of 4 – PCV13 (pneumonia) Dose 1 of 3 - Rotavirus 2 Months:
4 Months: (2 nd doses) Dose 2 of 5 – DTaP Dose 2 of 4 – Hib Dose 2 of 4 – IVP Dose 2 of 4 – PCV13 Dose 3 of 3 - Rotavirus
6 Months: (3rd doses) Dose 3 of 5 – DTaP Dose 3 of 4 – Hib Dose 3 of 4 – PCV13 Dose 3 of 3 - Rotavirus
6-18 Months: (3rd doses) Dose 3 of 3 – Hepatitis B Dose 3 of 4 – IVP
6 Months or older: Influenza once a year
12-15 Months: Dose 4 of 4 – Hib Dose 4 of 4 – PCV13 Dose 1 of 2 – MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) Dose 1 of 1 – Varicella (chickenpox)
18 Months: Dose 4 of 5 – Dtap Dose 1 - Hepatitis A
4-6 Years: Dose 5 of 5 – Dtap Dose 4 of 4 – IPV Dose 2 of 2 – MMR Dose 2 of 2 - Varicella
Always follow the schedule and get your child’s vaccinations on time!
For more information please contact the Madison County Health Department.
101 East Edwardsville Road Wood River, Illinois Phone: (618)
Editors/Producers: Crystal Reiff Emily Cearlock Noel Williams