Turismo de Convenciones y Eventos, Conectividad y Competitividad
Turismo Convenciones y Eventos Bench Mark and some other important facts Connectivity / Competitively Conclusions
Admit it: Meetings are Fun !
Information from 2200 executives / planers / marketers Sampling was 58% Meeting planners 21% Marketers 21% Executives Average meeting managed 3-15 events per year (43%) events per year (30%) 71+ events per year (27%) Discovering new destinations (Benchmark) Source: Cvent benchmark study
What kind of events they are organizing
Expectation for this year Source: Cvent benchmark study
Timings / Services Timing of Opening Registrations weeks months months months1+ year Booking time frame Conference Tradeshow2%23%49%12%14% months Fundraiser /Gala4%46%45%4%1% months Incetnive / Retreat8%44%40%3%5% months Internal meetings7%59%32%2%0%3 - 8 months Sales Events / Road shows3%66%27%4%0% months Seminars14%46%32%8%0% months Training Workshop8%45%37%7%3% months
How often do you choose hotels you have used previously ? 7% almost always 61% Very Often 27% Sometimes 5% Rarely Source: Meetings and conventions Values and feelings about suppliers Sellers market / Buyers market Is this our time ???
Discovering new destinations Source: Meetings and conventions You probably know already many of them Source: Meetings and conventions
Tradeshow ??? …. Make sure you always look great … Your competing with Creativity not with resources
How about Advertising… 1 st The Country Sell the uniqueness of your destination how big, how many Food / Culture 2 nd The product If you wait until there is another case study in your industry, you will be too late
Discovering new destinations Critical point
Web Marketing is about delivering useful and updated content at the moment buyers need it
Say goodbye to the old days, in the past a couple adds in the news a fam trip and a press release will make it Now social media and H2H effect is the one marketing the call
Top worries about certain destinations How pandemics affects current and future meetings? H1N1 Effect in Mexico 2009 Source: Meetings and conventions There is always something to be worried about - Be ready - Have a PR plan
Business Growth as Safety Issues rise - 48% Expect their cost to rise to cover more security - 44% Expect Industry changes in relation to global terrorism threats - 15% Expect to do more destination research - 5% are working with local federal law Source: Successful Meetings
Green Meetings: Low Priority ?? Source: Meetings and conventions
Steering Committee Meeting Planner (influencer ) Executive influencer Meeting Planner (no influencer) Evaluation But who really makes the decision about a destination / product ? Planer
Conclusions about - Turismo de Convenciones y Eventos The Meetings and Conferences business is healthy and is growing (22% grow) Event planners are always looking for a new destination and relay on Online sources Tradeshows CVB Comments from piers about experiences Planners are looking for new and unique experiences and great service Local incentives are part of the equations Planners are not 100% decision makers but they are very influential Develop a social media campaign with one message work as a group, sell the country, then the city then the products.. Never loose a business because of something we couldn’t or wouldn’t do for the customer
There is no magic card No hidden tricks is not how good you are but how bad you want it
Bench Mark and some other important facts Connectivity / Competitively Conclusions
in order to facilitate the development of safer, more cost-efficient and environmentally friendly air transport in the Latin America and Caribbean region for the mutual benefit of the association’s members, their customers and the industry. ALTA coordinates the collaborative efforts of its members MISSION
VICE-PRESIDENTS Andrés Conesa Enrique Cueto Pedro Heilbron German Efromovic Albert Kluyver Paulo Kakinoff PRESIDENT
Full Members
Associate Members
Affiliate Members
What was first ?? Airlift ConnectivityTraffic
Lets put some analysis -Tourism -Films -Sports / Cultural events -Religion -Safety -Influencer -Student’s / research interest -Videos / Social media -Businesses -Low rates -Infrastructure -Adequate Operational cost -Local Incentives -Fair competition (land vs air - cruises vs air) -Destination stability -Seasonal water conditions -Connectivity to other destinations / Local Alliances What Creates DemandWhat Creates Offer
Latin America and the Caribbean (ALTA’s Airlines)
LAC Traffic and GDP Growth (strongest international growth - Colombia, Peru, Chile and Mexico) (strongest domestic growth - Colombia y Peru ) Forecast Actual
Traffic Growth Comparison (compound annual growth rate)
$ 1,501 $ 1,370 $ 992 $ 965 $ 837 $ 677 $ 639 $ 607 $ 478 $ 466 $ 421 $ 420 $ 414 $ 397 $ 393 $ 344 $ 316 $ 307 $ 216
Tasa aeroportuaria
Conclusions about - Connectivity Connectivity is a driver to Success Airlines Operational Margins are very low Tax policies are in Traveler’s mind when choosing a destination (beside other interest) Airlines in Latin America are enjoying a healthy growth, but some countries are growing faster than others The Travel industry stock holders have the need to plan together - Marketing campaigns / Social Campaigns - Incentives to attract all kind of events - Evaluate your strengths and promote them