Co-ordination & Harmonisation of Advanced e-Infrastructures Research Infrastructures – Grant Agreement n CHAIN WP5 Meeting, Trieste 16 May 2011 Federico Ruggieri – INFN
MoUs with other Projects Signed Prepared INDICATE In the pipeline WeNMR WRF4G
Events GeoMap Shows the events of relevance for the CHAIN project Allows an easy geographical location Links the web pages of the events
Infrastructure GeoMap Information on eInfrastructures around the world Will be updated and completed with the results of the questionnaire Provides a living documentation on the eInfrastructures’ evolution around the world. Thanks to Roberto Barbera & Rita Ricceri
Flyer - Leaflet
Pop-up Banner Flyer and Pop-up Banner produced by Carlo Volpe (GARR). PDF available on the web site Feed-backs are welcome Updated versions for events or specific needs will be done (please make you requests in advance). Brochures on the results of the questionnaire and/or the road-map can be set up with the same graphics.
Workshop at ISGC2011/OGF 31 – 23 March “e-Infrastructures Interoperation and Interoperability across Europe and the Asia-Pacific Region” Introduction: A.Masoni - EU-IndiaGrid2 Project Manager F. Ruggieri – CHAIN Project Manager Network interoperation: R. Hughes-Jones (DANTE) the TEIN3 Project Interoperability solutions in India: M. Verlato, EU-IndiaGrid2 Project Interoperability solutions in China: G. Andronico, EUCHINAGrid Project Contributions from other Asia Pacific Countries Middleware interoperation & interoperability Steven Newhouse Morris Riedel Julich Supercomputing centre, Grid Interoperation Now Community Group A. Papaspyro, Initiative for Globus in Europe (IGE) Conclusions: F. Ruggieri, Alberto Masoni
EGI User Forum – Vilnius 13 April Session A: (90 mn: 4 presentations + 20 mn discussion) Biology VRC: WeNMR (A. Bonvin) and HealthGrid (Y. Legré): 30 mn Geosciences (M. Petitdidier): 20 mn Digital Cultural Heritage VRC – DC-NET & INDICATE projects (A. Fresa): 20 mn Session B: (90 mn: 3 * 20 mn presentations + 30 mn discussion) EGI to present its VRC coordinating role with the Resource Infrastructure Providers (as discussed in the Amsterdam meeting) GISELA to present its VRC framework for LA (e.g. Dissemination, customized Training, new Services,..) CHAIN to present its VRC framework for the RIPs it represents (EUMEDGRID, EUIndiaGrid2,...)
Events in 2011 (since March) Date Description and location Organised byStatus March 2011 OGF31 Taiwan OGFDone April 2011EGI User Forum – VilniusEGI / CHAIN/GISELADone 4-6 May 2011 IST-Africa, Gabarone, Botswana IST-AfricaDone May 2011 Workshop on eInfrastructres for Climate Change at ICTP Trieste EUMEDGRID-Support & EUIndiaGrid2 & CHAIN NOW 27 May 2011 EPIKH Workshop, Beijing China EPIKH / CHAINOrganised June 2011 Modélisation et Grilles de calcul: Applicationsi-Lebanon "Universitè Saint-Joseph" Beirut EUMEDGRID-SupportOrg.anised September 2011 EGI Autumn Technical Forum & EUMEDGRID-Support User Forum EGI / EUMEDGRID-SupportPreparation November 2011 Ubuntunet Connect 2011 – Nairobi, Kenya UbuntunetOrganised 5-7 December 2011 Integrating Arab E-infrastructure in a Global Environment I-AGE 2011 EUMEDGRID-Support, ASREN, Internet2, CHAIN, EUMECONNECT3 Preparation
High Level Event INTEGRATING ARAB E- INFRASTRUCTURE IN A GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT I-AGE 2011 Co-organised with EUMEDGRID- Support, ASREN, EUMECONNECT3, Internet 2 Date and Venue: 5-7 December 2011, Jordan, Amman/Dead Sea Concept paper drafted by Salem Al- Agtash (co-CEO of ASREN) is available. High level of attention now on the South Mediterranean and Middle East
Events Table Modified (Table 1 – pg. 19 Part B of the DoW) Event N. TypeVenue/RegionTheme Proposed time 1Thematic Workshop Asia ISGC2011/OGF31 Grid Inreoperability across EU and Asia M04 2Thematic Workshop Europe – Vilnius (Latin America) VRCs meet eInfrastructure providers (Bio-Medical & Health) M05 (M08) 3High-Level ConferenceEurope - Trieste Role of eInfrastructures for Climate Change Research M06 4High-Level Conference Jordan Europe I-AGE2011 Research Infrastructures M12 5Thematic Workshop Latin America ? Mediterranean/ Africa Earth Sciences & Environment M16 6Thematic WorkshopAfricaComputational ScienceM20 7High-Level ConferenceAsia A World of Globalised Science M24
Deliverables & Milestones Del. no. Deliverable name Lead bene- ficiary Delivery date (PM) D5.1 Collaborative tools and CHAIN Web platformINFN2 Delayed of 40 days D5.2 Analysis of the outcomes of the first year workshops.INFN12 D5.3 Analysis of the outcomes of the second year workshops.INFN23 Milestone no. Milestone name Lead beneficiary Delivery date from Annex I Comments (Means of verification) M5.1Web portal – first static version INFN PM2Web site accessible M5.2First thematic workshop INFN PM4Press release M5.3First high level conference INFN PM12Press release M5.4Final high-level conference INFN PM24Press release
Issues WP5 Manager still to be recruited Improve the feedback from the partners News related to their eInfrastructures Relevant events VRCs information and contacts Improve relationships with press and dissemination projects (e.g. eScienceTalk MoU) New tools and applications on the web site to attract new content providers: build the Community with registered people.
Conclusions & plans The web site is being enriched Produce a Brochure & a Video on the results of the Questionnaire Start the organisation of the High Level Event; partners should provide: contacts of persons for dissemination in the respective areas, promote the event on their web sites, suggest speakers. We are organising (or participating) a higher number of WS and High Level events during the first year.