Customer experience about service quality in online environment: A case of Iran Presenter: Laura Chen Instructor : Dr. Pi-Ying Hsu Date: 2014/1/3
CITATION Sorooshian, S., Salimi, M., Salehi, M., Nia, N. B., & Asfaranjan, Y. S. (2013). Customer Experience about Service Quality in Online Environment: A Case of Iran. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 93,
Background Nowadays, online product communities have changed with the presence, support, and competition created by corporations such as Sony, Microsoft, IBM, and motorcycle manufacturer like Ducati. (Nambisan & Watt, 2011)
Background Online product communities have such unique characteristics and facilities that we have in effect to consider a concept which could redefine the customer’s online community experience. (Nambisan & Watt, 2011)
The purpose of the study This study aimed to identify the main dimension of customer experience in online environment, and measure the impact of these main components including pragmatic, hedonic, sociability and usability experience on service quality.
Research framework Service quality Pragmatic experience Usability experience Sociability experience Hedonic experience Customer Experience
Service quality Service quality is an assessment, which defines the abilities of a delivered service to meet the needs of the customers. (Lewis & Booms, 1983) Expanding the concept of online service quality might result in questionable reliability, diminished adequacy and efficacy or constrained predictive validity. (Parasuraman et al., 2005)
Customer experience Customer experience is considered the entire interaction among customers and products, companies, or other segment of a firm that derives a reaction. It is a general view that sees an individual compared to a customer in a distinct way. (LaSalle et & Britton, 2003)
Pragmatic dimension The factor of dimension is related to user’s goal orientation behavior and show if users have found the experience with the online team useful, worthy or valuable. (Mathwick et al., 2001) HA 1 : Service quality is significantly and positively affected by Pragmatic Experience. HA 0 : Service quality is not significantly nor positively affected by Pragmatic Experience.
Hedonic dimension This factor indicates users’ feeling of excitement presented in the place where their desired goals are a vital issue. (Mummalaneni, 2005) HB 1 : Service quality is significantly and positively affected by Hedonic Experience. HB 0 : Service quality is not significantly nor positively affected by Hedonic Experience.
Sociability experience This dimension is considered as the social experience which a member extracts from his/her association with the online goods community. (Preece, 2000) HC 1 : Service quality is significantly and positively affected by Sociability Experience. HC 0 : Service quality is not significantly nor positively affected by Sociability Experience.
Usability experience The usability dimension of online customer experience is defined as the customers’ experience in surfing and using the online community environment. Thus, this dimension reflects an aspect of technology. (Nambisan & Watt, 2011) HD 1 : Service quality is significantly and positively affected by Usability Experience. HD 0 : Service quality is not significantly nor positively affected by Usability Experience.
Procedure 17 Participants 150 online users Place Tehran, Iran Focus Service quality and customer experience Duration About one month
Instrument The result indicate that the Cronbach’s Alpha value is greater than 0.7 and according to Nunnally (1978) that shows that all items are acceptable.
Factor analysis
Regression’s results Model Summary ModelRR Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate % of the customer value is affected by the four identified independent variables.
Regression’s results Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients Model BStd. ErrorBetaTSig. Constant PRAGMATIC HEDONIC SOCIABILITY USEABILITY HA 1 : Service quality is significantly and positively affected by Pragmatic Experience. HB 1 : Service quality is significantly and positively affected by Hedonic Experience. HC 1 : Service quality is significantly and positively affected by Sociability Experience. HD 1 : Service quality is significantly and positively affected by Usability Experience.
Companies should make their online service more pleasant for their customers, and let customers feel that using the online service is useful, informative, productive and valuable.
Conclusion Companies should try to design online services that are easy for the different levels of customers on the move to improve service quality.
Critiques & Suggestions
Critiques and suggestions Critiques Suggestions 1.Finding customers with enough experiences 2.Small sample size 3.The population is comprised of users in Tehran only. Increase sample size Include customers with or not with enough experiences