Library Portal Usability Testing Spring 2016
Methodology Formal & informal usability testing No site searching allowed Short design activity (XO)
Participants - Usability Participants – XO Activity 14 freshmen 12 graduate students 13 undergraduates 12 graduates 3 CE students 4 faculty members 1 visiting researcher
Usability Test - Participant Tasks Find a known citation Find a known database Find library hours Find amenities Place an ILL request
Usability Test - Observations 59% trouble finding ILL. 59% assumed HOLLIS+ would take them to ILL. 81% had trouble finding a color scanner and 53% could not complete the task. Most users do not change the default search option on the homepage. Users struggled with fly-out menus.
Usability Test - Quotes “The icons are eye-catching!” (GSE) “It would be nice if ILL was more accessible” (UG) “There’s too much choice.” (Faculty member looking at the list of databases). “It’s just easier to talk to someone.” (GSE) “What’s the difference between…?” and “Why are there multiple links for…?” (Freshman)
XO Activity Results Icons were frequently circled, but confusion about ‘Resources’ label. Many comments that the page is “cluttered” or “too busy.” Confusion with HOLLIS+ v. HOLLIS Classic. Many options were thought of as redundant (whether or not they actually are). Ask Us/Contact Us/Ask a Librarian All Library Hours/Library Hours Search box sidebar and omni-bar links
Overall Themes Interlibrary loan mental model & HOLLIS+ Problems finding building amenities Misunderstanding the LTS & ITS pages Confusion between “Find a Library” and “All Library Hours” Top-level navigation items are not perceived to be links. Most users do not change default search box option. Confusion about why there are multiple, seemingly duplicative links on the homepage.