Check of Calibration Hits in the Atlas simulation. Assignment of DM energy to CaloCluster. G.Pospelov Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia ATLAS MPI Calorimeter meeting. Friday 24 June 2005.
nightlies/rel, June 18, with updates: cmt co LArCalorimeter/LArG4/LArG4HitManagement ( ) BuildHitCollections.h,BuildHitCollections.cxx,LArHitsEventAction.h,LArHitsEventAction.cxx * cmt co LArCalorimeter/LArG4/LArG4EC ( ) * cmt co LArCalorimeter/LArG4/LArG4Code ( ) * cmt co LArCalorimeter/LArG4/LArG4HEC ( ) cmt co DetectorDescription/IdDictParser ( ) cmt co LArCalorimeter/LArG4/LArG4Barrel ( ) * - files contain last corrections from B.Seligman and M.Lelchuk, which are not in CVS. They were replaced by hand. Athena version, packages updates, data set. (1)
-To run simulation: cmt co Simulation/G4Sim/AtlasG4Sim, cmt co Simulation/SimulationOptionsRome with following lines in AtlasG4Sim/*/cmt/requirement: use LArG4HitManagement LArG4HitManagement-* LArCalorimeter/LArG4 use LArG4EC LArG4EC-* LArCalorimeter/LArG4 use LArG4Code LArG4Code-* LArCalorimeter/LArG4 use LArG4Barrel LArG4Barrel-* LArCalorimeter/LArG4 use LArG4HEC LArG4HEC-* LArCalorimeter/LArG4 use LArG4FCAL LArG4FCAL-* LArCalorimeter/LArG4 use TileG4Sim TileG4Sim-* TileCalorimeter/TileG4 use IdDictParser IdDictParser-* DetectorDescription -Data set: 20, 40 GeV electrons and pions, |eta|<5.0, ~40k total events. Athena version, packages updates, data set. (2)
Tile DM identifiers [ *.*.*] which correspond to “leakage outside Tile calorimeter, 0<|eta|<1.7” seats in LarCalibrationHitDeadMaterial container. In LarCalibrationHitDeadMaterial container there are identifiers with wrong etaBin=15 when eta_particle ~ 1.5. CaloDM_ID->show_to_string(id) returns for them [ ], [ ]. These id’s correspond to “materials in front of the barrel presampler” and “materials from the active layer of the barrel presampler to the active layer of accordion”, 0<|eta|<1.5. On simulation stage LArG4HitManagement caught ~ 30 identifiers with wrong phiBin=64: [ *.64] (barrel), [ *.64] (emec), [ *.64](hec) This happens when phi(hit) == 2*M_PI, so protection is needed. On simulation stage LArG4HitManagement caught one identifier with wrong etaBin=15: [ ] – “energy flow at |eta|>5.0” No wrong identifiers in active and inactive hit containers was observed, except… Problems with calibration hits. (1)
Problems with calibration hits. (2) All FCAL active and inactive hits are seating in default calculator. Only several identifiers are available [4.3.±2.1÷3.0.0]. The reason is that etaBin, phiBin are always == 0 inside LArFCALCalibCalculatorBase->Process() method. (etaBin and phiBin come from GetTileId(FCalElectrodeId thisElectrode). Why m_TileMap.size() == 0? For example LArFCALCalculatorBase has non empty m_TileMap and non zero etaBin and phiBin.) 20 GeV pion, 3000 events. Total energy in default calculator and total energy over all hits.
Number of bad identifiers in containers. Athena (this) 20 GeV pion,1000 events. Number of DM hits with wrong etaBin=15 as function of eta_pion. Number of entries = 644 means that totally 644 such identifiers was found through ~0.98M hits over all events. Athena GeV pion,1000 events. Number of hits with wrong fields in identifier as function of eta_pions. Mostly DM, but there are ~100 id’s from active and inactive containers. So, for we have 34.6k wrong id’s among ~0.98M. This is just to illustrate previous slide This is just to show that today is better than yesterday
Em+NonEm energy in Calibration Hits and cluster energy. a) b) c) 40 GeV electron, |eta|<3.0. Comparison of reconstructed cluster energy and sum of Em+NonEm energies over all active and inactive hits, corresponding to cluster cells (i.e. with same cell identifiers). a) Energy in cluster and sum of Em+NonEm energy over hits. b) They ratio. c) Correlation coefficient between two energies, calculated over cluster cells.
Em+NonEm energy in Calibration Hits and cluster energy. a) b) c) 40 GeV electron, |eta|<3.0. The same with previous slide, but now all cells from sampling 0 are excluded from analysis. So, without both presamplers there is good correlation between cluster energy and calibration hits energies. It means that there is correction for dead material hidden inside sampling 0 cell coefficients (mev2ch, sampling fraction?). No wonder. More on this later…
Time per event with Calibration Hits On and Off. 40 GeV electron. Intel Pentium 4 CPU 3.00 GHz
Dead Material energy – very short intro. Calibration hits for dead material (e.g. cryostat walls) stored in two separate containers “LArCalibrationHitDeadMaterial” and “TileCalibrationDMHitCnt”. Special Dead-Material Identifiers used, they contains these components: detector / subdetector / type / sampling / region / eta / phi. For example: [ ] – LAr material in front of endcap presampler Usual granularity 0.1 x 0.1. There is no CaloDetDescrElement for DM identifier, but it is possible to use GeoCaloCalibHit class from DetectorDescription/GeoModel/GeoAdaptors to get, for example, real eta and phi for DM hit. For further information about calibration hits see: W. Seligman “Status of Calibration Hits in LArG4”, ATLAS LAr week, Wed 08-Sep M. Lelchuk “The proposal for LAr and Tile calorimeter dead material identifiers” Energy deposited in dead material can be assigned to the appropriate cluster for the latter studies.
Algorithm for assignment of Dead Material energy to cluster. Algorithm CBNT_CalibrationInfoDM is a part of CaloCalibHitRec package (but it’s not in CVS yet). It stores in CBNT DM energy before cluster and DM energy inside cluster for each cluster from user defined container: dmcl_e1_topo[cl_nc], dmcl_e2_topo[cl_nc] - new CBNT variables Algorithm of DM energy assignment is quite simple: 1)Builds vector of GeoCaloCalibHit from CaloCalibraitonHit just to have real phi and eta for each hit. 2) Iterates over clusters cells to find corresponding DM hit: phi_cell, dphi_cell, eta_cell, deta_cell - cluster cell coordinates phi_hit, dphi_hit, eta_hit, deta_hit – hit coordinates Hit will be assigned to cluster if abs(phi_cell –phi_hit) < (dphi_cell + dphi_hit)/2. && abs(eta_cell –eta_hit) < (deta_cell + deta_hit)/2. 3) DM hit which was assigned to cluster cells will not be assigned to another cluster More energetic clusters come first.
DM type1, sampling0 Simple monitor to display DM hits recorded in CBNT. CalibrationInfoDM algorithm can save DM hits into separate tree for latter drawing with DmEventMonitor (some kind of CaloEventMonitor by S. Menke) during ntuple.root analysis: { tree = (TTree*) top->Get(“CalibHit/CalibrationInfoDM”); gSystem->Load(“”); plotDMplanar(tree,1); // to plot event 1 } DmEventMonitor is very smart and even can cite selected pieces from Version_1.9-draft.txt according to mouse buttons (not shown on the screen). CaloEventMonitor DmEventMonitor
Sum of cluster energy and Dead Material energy. 40 GeV electron, |eta|<3.0. To check that there is no rough errors in algorithm three different energies were plotted as function of eta of electron: DM – energy in Dead Material before cluster. AI – Em + NonEm energy in active and inactive hits over cluster cells. DM+AI – they sum.
Cluster energy in presampler and calibration hits energies. 40 GeV electron, |eta|<1.8 (area covered by presamplers) a) Ratio of cluster energy and energy(Em+NonEm) in calibration hits for sampling 0. b) Ratio of Dead Material energy before cluster and cluster energy in sampling0.
Receiving optimum presampler weight using cluster DM energy. 40 GeV electron, eta=1.7
Conclusion. CBNT_CalibrationInfoDM algorithm is ready for CVS. Add tile DM hits into analysis (for the moment GeoCaloCalibHit don’t work with tile DM identifiers). Add possibility to record cluster DM energy into StoreGate. Taking into account the available detailed information about the structure of energy deposition, try to develop the correction procedure to compensate the energy lost in dead material.