Cisco Router 기본 사용법
Hardware Feature
라우터의 Console 연결을 위한 설정 PC 는 RJ-45-to-DB-9 또는 RJ-45-to-DB-25 adapter 가 필요. PC 의 COM port 설정은 9600 bps, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, no flow control 로 함. 이 연결은 대역폭 외 (out-of-band) 콘솔 연결임 Switch 나 router 에 AUX port 가 있는 경우 modem 을 통한 연결이 가능함 Console 을 가진 장비 PC RJ-45-to-RJ-45 Rollover Cable RJ-45-to-DB-9 Adapter (TERMINAL 이라고 쓰여있음 )
설정은 다양한 소스로부터 구성 가능하다. 설정은 디바이스 메모리에서 활동한다. 외부 설정 소스 콘솔 포트 보조 포트 인터페이스 가상 터미널 PC 또는 UNIX 서버 Web 또는 NMS (Network Management Server) 텔넷 TFTP
CLI 는 명령어를 입력할 때 사용한다. 사용자는 콘솔 명령어 모드에서 입력 또는 붙 여놓기를 할수 있다. 디바이스에 엔터 키를 입력하는 순간 명령어를 해석과 실행을 한다. 사용자 모드와 특별 모드로 2 가지 기본 EXEC 모드가 있다. 2 가지 명령어 모드들은 다른 프롬프트들로 구 분된다. 시스코 IOS 사용자 인터페이스 기능 시스코 IOS
Terminal Router 사용 방법
Login Process Telnet 을 실행하여 Terminal Router 에 접속합니다. Telnet 접속시 password(telnet password) 를 요구하게 됩니다. 이때 강사가 지정해 준 Password 를 입력하시면 User mode 로 들어가게 됩니다. C:\> telnet 70.x.x.x or Hyper terminal 접속 Password :( 할당 받은 password 입력 ) Terminal_Router>
Enable level 3 User mode 에서 Enable level 3 로 들어갈 때의 Password 는 cisco 입니다. Terminal Router 에서 privilege mode 는 사용자가 실수로 Terminal Router 에 잘못된 Configuration 을 할 수 있으므로 Enable level 3 만 허용합니다. Terminal_Router> enable 3 Password : cisco Terminal_Router# Enable level 3 에서 가능한 명령어 : telnet / show host / clear line / clear
Device Access Enable level 3 에서 Reverse Telnet 을 통해 각각의 네트워크 장비로 접속합니다. 접속 방법은 show host 을 했을 때 나오는 키워드를 Enable level 3 mode 에서 그대로 치면 해당 Device 로 접속하게 됩니다. Terminal_Router#show host Terminal_Router#xxxxx (host 명을 그대로 입력 ) 각각의 장비에 콘솔 접속한 것과 같으며, 이후에 모든 Configuration 을 자유롭게 할 수 있습니 다. 예 ) Terminal_Router# show host Host Flags Age Type Address(es) wgroa (perm, OK) 45 IP Terminal_Router# wgroa ↲ Trying wgroa ( , 2001)... Open <= 연결된 상태이며, 엔터를 친다. WG_RO_A> <=wgroa 라우터에 접속하였다.
이미 접속되어 있는 connection 에 접속 시도시 다음의 에러가 나타나며 접속이 안됩니다. Terminal_Router# wgroa Trying wgroa ( , 2001)... % Connection refused by remote host Terminal_Router# 이때 현재 연결되어 있는 session 을 제거한 후 재 연결합니다. Terminal_Router#clear line 1 (1 은 2001 의 2000 을 뺸 숫자 ) [confirm] [OK] Terminal_Router#wgroa Trying wgroa ( , 2001)... Open WG_RO_A> Device Change
Reverse Telnet 으로 접속한 후 Terminal Router 로 나오고 싶을 때는 ctrl-shift-6 을 동시에 누른후 x 를 누릅니다. Wg_ro_a# (ctrl-shift-6, x) Terminal_Router# Show Session 으로 현재 접속되어 있는 상태를 확인할 수 있습니다. Terminal_Router#show session Conn Host Address Byte Idle Conn Name * 1 wg_ro_a r1 Session 을 끊고 싶으면 Disconnect 명령어를 Terminal Router 에서 실행하시면 됩니다. 1) Terminal_Router# disconnect 2) Terminal_Router# disconnect 1 (Connection Number) 3) Terminal_Router# clear line # Device Change
IOS 기본 사용방법
▶ User Mode - Router 동작 상태, Interface 의 상태, 현황등을 check 할수 있는 command 사용 가능 - Router Configuration 의 변경은 불가 ▶ Privileged Mode - Router 의 Full Command 가 사용가능한 Mode - Router Configuration, Setup 이 가능한 Mode Connected to User Access Verification Password: ROUTER> ROUTER>enable Password: ROUTER# User Mode Prompt Privileged Mode Prompt Router 운영 Mode
▶ User Mode - 일반적인 Router Monitor 용 Command 사용가능 ex) ROUTER> show interface ▶ Privileged Mode - Privileged 일반 Mode : 상세한 Monitor 용 Command 사용가능 Router debugging, testing 가능 ex) ROUTER# show processes cpu - Global config Mode : Router 의 전체적이고 일반적인 Configuration Command 가능 ex) ROUTER# (config)hostname samsung - 세부 config Mode : Routing protocol setup, Interface setup 과 같은 부분별 setup Command 가능 ex) ROUTER(config-if) # ip address ROUTER(config-router) # network 사용 Mode 에 따른 특징
▶ 기본 Help 사용 - 현재 사용 Mode Prompt 상에서 ‘?’ 를 Type. ROUTER> ? Exec commands: Session number to resume connect Open a terminal connection disconnect Disconnect an existing network connection enable Turn on privileged commands exit Exit from the EXEC help Description of the interactive help system lock Lock the terminal login Log in as a particular user logout Exit from the EXEC name-connection Name an existing network connection pad Open a X.29 PAD connection ping Send echo messages ppp Start IETF Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) resume Resume an active network connection show Show running system information slip Start Serial-line IP (SLIP) systat Display information about terminal lines telnet Open a telnet connection terminal Set terminal line parameters tn3270 Open a tn3270 connection trace Trace route to destination where List active connections x3 Set X.3 parameters on PAD ROUTER# ? Exec commands: Session number to resume bfe For manual emergency modes setting calendar Manage the hardware calendar clear Reset functions clock Manage the system clock configure Enter configuration mode connect Open a terminal connection copy Copy a config file to or from a tftp server debug Debugging functions (see also 'undebug') disable Turn off privileged commands disconnect Disconnect an existing network connection enable Turn on privileged commands erase Erase Flash memory exit Exit from the EXEC help Description of the interactive help system lock Lock the terminal login Log in as a particular user logout Exit from the EXEC mbranch Trace multicast route down tree branch mrbranch Trace reverse multicast route up tree branch name-connection Name an existing network connection --More-- User Mode Help Privileged Mode Help Command Help 사용법 -1
(Automatic scrolling of long lines). Move to the beginning of the command line. Move to the end of the command line. Move back one word. Move forward one character. Move back one character. Move forward one word. Using Enhanced Editing Commands Delete a single character. Router>$ value for customers, employees, and partners.
Ctrl-P or Up arrowLast (previous) command recall Ctrl-N or Down arrowMore recent command recall Router> show historyShow command buffer contents Router> terminal history size linesSet session command buffer size Router Command History ▶ Command 관련 key 사용법 (history) - Ctrl-P (or ↑ key) : 바로 전에 Type 한 word 를 recall - Ctrl-N (or ↓ key) : 가장 최근에 Type 한 command 를 recall
구분할 수 있는 가장 짧은 문자들로 명령어를 줄여 쓸 수 있다. 라우터 User-Mode 명령어 목록 wg_ro_c>? Exec commands: access-enable Create a temporary Access-List entry atmsig Execute Atm Signalling Commands cd Change current device clear Reset functions connect Open a terminal connection dir List files on given device disable Turn off privileged commands disconnect Disconnect an existing network connection enable Turn on privileged commands exit Exit from the EXEC help Description of the interactive help system lat Open a lat connection lock Lock the terminal login Log in as a particular user logout Exit from the EXEC -- More --
wg_ro_c#? Exec commands: access-enable Create a temporary Access-List entry access-profile Apply user-profile to interface access-template Create a temporary Access-List entry bfe For manual emergency modes setting cd Change current directory clear Reset functions clock Manage the system clock configure Enter configuration mode connect Open a terminal connection copy Copy from one file to another debug Debugging functions (see also 'undebug') delete Delete a file dir List files on a filesystem disable Turn off privileged commands disconnect Disconnect an existing network connection enable Turn on privileged commands erase Erase a filesystem exit Exit from the EXEC help Description of the interactive help system -- More -- 구분할 수 있는 가장 짧은 문자까지 입력한 후 Tab 키를 누르면 명령어를 완성 시킨다. 라우터 Privileged-Mode 명령어 목록
▶ show configuration - show running-config : 현재 Router memory 에서 수행중인 configuration 보여줌 - show startup-config : 현재 Router NVRAM(NonvolatileRAM) 에 저장된 configuration 보여줌 - show configuration = show startup-config ROUTER#show configuration Using 626 out of bytes ! version 11.2 no service udp-small-servers no service tcp-small-servers ! hostname ROUTER ! enable secret 5 $1$hjS2$wrsYncizlWlesWY enable password system ! interface Ethernet0 ip address bridge-group 1 no ip classless ip route Serial1 snmp-server community public RO ! line con 0 line aux 0 line vty 0 4 password system login ! end interface Serial0 no ip address shutdown no fair-queue ! interface Serial1 ip address no ip mroute-cache bridge-group 1 ! router rip network ! Show Configuration
Saving Configurations wg_ro_c# wg_ro_c#copy running-config startup-config Destination filename [startup-config]? Building configuration… wg_ro_c# wg_ro_c#copy running-config startup-config Destination filename [startup-config]? Building configuration… wg_ro_c# Copy the current configuration to NVRAM
▶ N/W address 에 대한 Routing table 의 Routing 정보를 보여줌 ▶ 특정 N/W address 나 IP address 의 Routing 정보를 볼경우 - show ip route [ IP network address / IP address ] ROUTER#show ip route Codes: C - connected, S - static, I - IGRP, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2, E - EGP i - IS-IS, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2, * - candidate default U - per-user static route Gateway of last resort is to network /16 is subnetted, 1 subnets S [1/0] via I /24 [100/180681] via , 00:00:03, Ethernet0/1 [100/180681] via , 00:00:03, Ethernet0/ Show ip route
▶ Router 에 저장된 Router Event Message 를 보여줌 CISCO Serial 1 Down Ethernet 0 Protocol Down Router Config 변경 From IP : Other Network ROUTER#show logging Syslog logging: enabled (0 messages dropped, 0 flushes, 0 overruns) Console logging: level debugging, 744 messages logged Monitor logging: level debugging, 0 messages logged Trap logging: level informational, 749 message lines logged *Apr 20 01:44:25: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by vty0 ( ) *Apr 20 01:41:22: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Ethernet0, c hanged state to down *May 10 23:45:45: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Serial 1, changed state to down Show logging
▶ show processes cpu - Router 의 process 별 CPU 사용률을 보여줌 ▶ show processes : Router 의 수행 process 들의 정보를 보여줌 ROUTER#show processes CPU utilization for five seconds: 1%/1%; one minute: 4%; five minutes: 4% PID Q T PC Runtime (ms) Invoked uSecs Stacks TTY Process 1 M * / Virtual Exec 2 L E 302D8AE / Check heaps 3 M E 30551B / Timers 4 L E E / ARP Input 5 L E 30AF / Probe Input 6 M E 30AEB9E / RARP Input 7 H E 30A / IP Input 8 M E 30C7B / TCP Timer 9 L E 30C98A / TCP Protocols 10 M E 30ABCCE / BOOTP Server Show processes
▶ 현재 Router 에서 수행되는 OSI 3 Layer protocol 들의 상태를 출력 Ex) IP, DECnet, IPX, AppleTalk … protocols ROUTER#show protocols Global values: Internet Protocol routing is enabled Appletalk routing is enabled Novell routing is enabled Ethernet0/0 is up, line protocol is up Internet address is /24 AppleTalk address is , zone MACINTOSH Ethernet0/1 is up, line protocol is up Internet address is /24 Novell address is d.3d03 Ethernet0/2 is up, line protocol is up Internet address is /24 Ethernet0/3 is administratively down, line protocol is down Serial1/0 is up, line protocol is down Internet address is /30 Show protocols
Router#show version Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software IOS (tm) 3000 Software (IGS-I-L), Version 10.3(13), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2) Copyright (c) by cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Fri 02-Aug-96 04:43 by richardd Image text-base: 0x0301B708, data-base: 0x ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 5.2(8a), RELEASE SOFTWARE ROM: 3000 Bootstrap Software (IGS-RXBOOT), Version 10.2(8a), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) Router uptime is 56 minutes System restarted by power-on System image file is "flash:igs-i-l ", booted via flash cisco 2500 (68030) processor (revision D) with 1024K/1024K bytes of memory. Processor board serial number Bridging software. X.25 software, Version 2.0, NET2, BFE and GOSIP compliant. 1 Ethernet/IEEE interface. 2 Serial network interfaces. 32K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory. 4096K bytes of processor board System flash (Read ONLY) Configuration register is 0x2102 Show version
Configuring Router Identification Sets local identity or message for the accessed router or interface Router Name Router(config)#hostname wg_ro_c wg_ro_c(config)# Message of the Day Banner wg_ro_c(config)#banner motd # Accounting Department You have entered a secured system. Authorized access only! #
Configuring Router Identification Sets local identity or message for the accessed router or interface Router Name Router(config)#hostname wg_ro_c wg_ro_c(config)# Message of the Day Banner wg_ro_c(config)#banner motd # Accounting Department You have entered a secured system. Authorized access only! # Interface Description wg_ro_c(config)#interface ethernet 0 wg_ro_c(config-if)#description Engineering LAN, Bldg. 18
Router(config)#line console 0 Router(config-line)#login Router(config-line)#password cisco Console Password Virtual Terminal Password Router(config)#line vty 0 4 Router(config-line)#login Router(config-line)#password cisco Router Password Configuration
Router(config)#line console 0 Router(config-line)#login Router(config-line)#password cisco Console Password Virtual Terminal Password Router(config)#line vty 0 4 Router(config-line)#login Router(config-line)#password cisco Enable Password Router(config)#enable password router Secret Password Router(config)#enable secret cisco Router Password Configuration
Cisco Discovery Protocol A proprietary utility that gives you a summary of directly connected switches, routers, and other Cisco devices CDP discovers neighbor devices regardless of which protocol suite they are running Upper-Layer Entry Addresses Cisco Proprietary Data-Link Protocol TCP/IPNovell IPX CDP discovers and shows information about directly connected Cisco devices AppleTalkOthers
Runs on routers with Cisco IOS 10.3 or later and Cisco switches and hubs Summary information includes: Device identifiers Address list Port identifier Capabilities list Platform CDP show cdp CDP Discovering Neighbors with CDP
Using CDP SwitchBRouterARouterBSwitchA S0 S1 RouterA#sh cdp ? entry Information for specific neighbor entry interface CDP interface status and configuration neighbors CDP neighbor entries traffic CDP statistics RouterA(config)#no cdp run RouterA(config)#interface serial0 RouterA(config-if)#no cdp enable
SwitchA also provides its Mac address Using the show cdp neighbor Command RouterA#sh cdp neighbors Capability Codes: R - Router, T - Trans Bridge, B - Source Route Bridge S - Switch, H - Host, I - IGMP, r - Repeater Device ID Local Intrfce Holdtme Capability Platform Port ID RouterB Ser R 2522 Ser 1 SwitchA0050BD Eth T S SwitchBRouterARouterBSwitchA S0 S1
Using the show cdp entry Command RouterA#sh cdp entry * Device ID: RouterB Entry address(es): IP address: Platform: cisco 2522, Capabilities: Router Interface: Serial0, Port ID (outgoing port): Serial1 Holdtime : 168 sec Version : Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software IOS (tm) 2500 Software (C2500-JS-L), Version 12.0(3), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fci) Copyright (c) by cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Mon 08-Feb-99 18:18 by phanguye SwitchBRouterARouterBSwitchA S0 S1
Using Telnet to Connect to Remote Devices Remote device SwitchBRouterARouterBSwitchA S0 S1 RouterA#telnet Trying Open Catalyst 1900 Management Console Copyright (c) Cisco Systems, Inc All rights reserved. Enterprise Edition Software Ethernet Address: PCA Number: PCA Serial Number: FAA02359H8K Model Number: WS-C1924-EN System Serial Number: FAA0237X0FQ. SwitchB>
Viewing Telnet Connections SwitchBRouterARouterBSwitchA S0 S1 RouterA#sh session Conn Host Address Byte Idle Conn Name * RouterA#sh user Line User Host(s) Idle Location * 0 con vty 0 idle
Suspending a Telnet Session SwitchBRouterARouterBSwitchA S0 S1 RouterB# x RouterA#sh session Conn Host Address Byte Idle Conn Name RouterA#resume 1 RouterB#
RouterA#disconnect Closing connection to [confirm] RouterA#clear line 11 [confirm] [OK] Closing a Telnet Session Closing a session opened by a remote device Closing the current session opened by you SwitchBRouterARouterBSwitchA S0 S1
Using the ping and trace Commands Test connectivity and path to a remote device Router##ping Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to , timeout is 2 seconds: !!!!! Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 4/4/4 ms Router#trace Type escape sequence to abort. Tracing the route to msec 4 msec 4 msec Router#
ROMFlashNVRAMRAM Auxiliary Console Interface [ RAM ] IOS 실행 command 실행 configuration file Routing Table Buffers [ NVRAM ] Backup Configuration File [ Fash ] OS [ ROM ] Bootstrap program& Sub-OS Router 내부 Configuration 구성
라우터 Power-On/Bootup 순서 1.POST (power-on self test) 수행. 2. 부트스트랩코드 적재와 실행. 3. 시스코 IOS 소프트웨어 찾기. 4. 시스코 IOS 소프트웨어 적재. 5. 설정 정보 찾기. 6. 설정 정보 적재. 7. 설정 정보로 시스코 IOS 소프트웨 어 실행. POST (Power On Self Test) 는 라우터의 ROM 에 있는 Microcode 에 의해 실행된다. POST Microcode 는 해당 라우터에 어떠한 하드웨어가 있으며 이 하드웨어들이 잘 동작하는지를 검사하게 된다. POST 가 끝나면 Bootstrap Code 가 RAM 상에 Loading 되고, Configuration Register(NVRAM) 값을 읽어서 IOS 위치를 확인하고, IOS 를 RAM 에 Loading 한다 정확히는 Config-Register 설정 (NVRAM 의 Startup Configuration 에서의 설정 ), Flash Memory, Net Boot, RXBoot, Rom Monitor 의 순이다. IOS 의 Loading 이 끝나게 되면 IOS 가 제어권을 가지게 되며 Configuration 파일을 찾아 라우터의 Interface 에 적용한다.
ROM 기능들 기본적인 기능을 위하여 microcode 포함 ROM BootstrapPOST RXBOOT ROM 모니터 Power-on self test code : 라우터 Hardware 의 각각의 Component 를 확인하고 기본적인 기능 을 Test 하는 Microcode Bootstrap Code : Configuration Register 에 설 정된 방식대로 IOS 를 로딩한다. Partial IOS(RXBOOT Code) : IOS 의 서브셋으 로, Flash 에 있는 IOS 를 못 찾은 경우 등에 사용 된다. Router(boot)> 프롬프트를 나타낸다. Rom Monitor : 로우 레벨의 Operating System 으로 테스팅 및 트러블슈팅 시 사용된다. 부팅시 crtl+Break 키를 사용하면 >, rommon> 프롬프 트 를 나타내는데 이 경우가 ROM Monitor Mode 이다.
시스코 IOS 소프트웨어 찾기 NVRAM Register 설정 콘솔 show version show startup-config 검색 순서 : 1.register 설정 점검 2.NVRAM 안에 있는 설정 분석 3. 플래시 메모리안에 있는 첫번째 파일 4. 네트웍 서버로부터 부트 시도 5.RXBOOT 시도 6.ROMMON boot system 명령 boot system flash [filename] : flash Boot from flash memory (Default) boot system tftp [filename] [server address] : Boot from a tftp server
Loading the IOS from Flash Flash IOS show flash Flash file is decompressed into RAM Console RAM
Determining the Current Configuration Register Value wg_ro_a#show version Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software IOS (tm) 2500 Software (C2500-JS-L), Version 12.0(3), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) Copyright (c) by cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Mon 08-Feb-99 18:18 by phanguye Image text-base: 0x03050C84, data-base: 0x ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 11.0(10c), SOFTWARE BOOTFLASH: 3000 Bootstrap Software (IGS-BOOT-R), Version 11.0(10c), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) wg_ro_a uptime is 20 minutes System restarted by reload System image file is "flash:c2500-js-l_120-3.bin" --More-- Configuration register is 0x2102 Configuration register value in show version
Configuration register bits 3, 2, 1, and 0 set boot option Check configuration register value with show version Configuration Register Values Configuration Register Boot Field Value 0x0 0x2 to 0xF 0x1 Meaning Use ROM monitor mode (Manually boot using the b command) Examine NVRAM for boot system commands (0x2 default if router has Flash) Automatically boot from ROM (Provides IOS subset) Router#configure terminal Router(config)#config-register 0x2102 [Ctrl-Z] Router#reload
show flash Command wg_ro_a#sh flash System flash directory: File Length Name/status c2500-js-l_120-3.bin [ bytes used, available, total] 16384K bytes of processor board System flash (Read ONLY) wg_ro_a#sh flash System flash directory: File Length Name/status c2500-js-l_120-3.bin [ bytes used, available, total] 16384K bytes of processor board System flash (Read ONLY)
Loading the Configuration Console IOS Setup utility show startup-config show running-config Load and execute config from NVRAM If no config in NVRAM, enter setup mode Config RAMNVRAM
show running and show startup Commands wg_ro_c#show startup-config Using 1359 out of bytes ! version 12.0 ! -- More -- wg_ro_c#show running-config Building configuration... Current configuration: ! version 12.0 ! -- More -- In NVRAM In RAM Display current and saved configuration
Sources of Configurations Config Console RAMNVRAM Terminal TFTP server Erase Start copy running startup copy startup running (merge) TFTP server Blank erase start config term (merge) copy tftp run (merge) copy tftp start copy start tftp copy run tftp
시스코 IOS copy 명령어 예제 interface s0 ip address interface e0 ip address interface e1 no ip address interface s0 ip address interface e0 ip address interface e1 no ip address interface e0 ip address interface e1 ip address interface e0 ip address interface e1 ip address interface s0 ip address interface e0 ip address interface e1 ip address interface s0 ip address interface e0 ip address interface e1 ip address running-config TFTP 서버 saved.cfg 결과 running-config copy tftp run ( 병합 )
copy run tftp and copy tftp run Commands wg_ro_a#copy running-config tftp Address or name of remote host []? Destination filename [running-config]? wgroa.cfg.!! 1684 bytes copied in secs (129 bytes/sec) wg_ro_a#copy tftp running-config Address or name of remote host []? Source filename []? wgroa.cfg Destination filename [running-config]? Accessing tftp:// /wgroa.cfg... Loading wgroa.cfg from (via Ethernet0): ! [OK /3072 bytes] 1684 bytes copied in secs (99 bytes/sec) wg_ro_a#copy running-config tftp Address or name of remote host []? Destination filename [running-config]? wgroa.cfg.!! 1684 bytes copied in secs (129 bytes/sec) wg_ro_a#copy tftp running-config Address or name of remote host []? Source filename []? wgroa.cfg Destination filename [running-config]? Accessing tftp:// /wgroa.cfg... Loading wgroa.cfg from (via Ethernet0): ! [OK /3072 bytes] 1684 bytes copied in secs (99 bytes/sec)
Cisco IOS File Systems and Devices RAM NVRAM TFTP server Flash flash: system:nvram: tftp:
Managing IOS Images Network server FLASH Router c2500-js-l_120-3.bin Network server
Preparing for a Network Backup Image Check access to the server Router Network server
Preparing for a Network Backup Image Check access to the server Check space available on the server Router Network server
Preparing for a Network Backup Image Check access to the server Check space available on the server Check file naming convention Router c2500-js-l_120-3.bin Network server
Preparing for a Network Backup Image Router c2500-js-l_120-3.bin Network server Check access to the server Check space available on the server Check file naming convention Create file on server if required
wg_ro_a#show flash System flash directory: File Length Name/status c2500-js-l_120-3.bin [ bytes used, available, total] 16384K bytes of processor board System flash (Read ONLY) Verifying Memory and Deciphering Image Filenames Verify Flash memory has room for the IOS image
wg_ro_a#copy flash tftp Source filename []? c2500-js-l_120-3.bin Address or name of remote host []? Destination filename [c2500-js-l_120-3.bin]? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bytes copied in secs (14223 bytes/sec) wg_ro_a# Creating a Software Image Backup Back up current files prior to updating Flash Network server FLASH copy flash tftp
wg_ro_a#copy tftp flash Address or name of remote host [ ]? Source filename []? c2500-js-l_120-3.bin Destination filename [c2500-js-l_120-3.bin]? Accessing tftp:// /c2500-js-l_120-3.bin... Erase flash: before copying? [confirm] Erasing the flash filesystem will remove all files! Continue? [confirm] Erasing device... eeeee (output omitted)...erased Erase of flash: complete Loading c2500-js-l_120-3.bin from (via Ethernet0): !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (output omitted) [OK / bytes] Verifying checksum... OK (0x9AA0) bytes copied in secs (32636 bytes/sec) wg_ro_a# Upgrading the Image from the Net Erase Flash occurs before loading new image Note message that image already exists Network server FLASH
show 와 debug 명령어 프로세싱 특징 프로세싱 부하... 경우에 일반적 사용 show 정적 적은 오버헤드 정보 수집 debug 동적 높은 오버헤드 프로세스 관측
debug 명령어를 사용할때 고려사항 문제를 식별할 수 없을 정도의 다양한 포맷으로 출력이 발생할 수도 있다. 높은 오버헤드 요구, 네트웍 장치 운영이 중단될 가능성 발생한다. 네트웍 트래픽이나 라우터 상태에 관한 정보를 수집할때 사용한다.
Debug 에 관계된 명령어들 Router(config)#service timestamps debug datetime msec Router#show processes CPU utilization for five seconds: 0%/0%; one minute: 0%; five minutes: 0% PID Q Ty PC Runtime(ms) Invoked uSecs Stacks TTY Process 1 C sp 602F3AF / Load Meter 2 L we 60C5BE / CEF Scanner 3 L st 602D90F / Check heaps 4 C we 602D08F / Chunk Manager 5 C we 602DF0E / Pool Manager 6 M st 60251E / Timers Router#no debug all
Router 초기화 기존의 Configuration 을 모두 지워 초기화한다. 초기화 후, reload 시 - privilege mode 에서 예 ) wg_ro_a # erase startup-config wg_ro_a # reload - 현재의 configuration 을 save 할 것인지를 묻는 질의가 나타나면 (Y/N) No 한다.
Router 명령어 요약 Router#show version Router#show running Router#show start Router#copy runn start Router#show protocols Router#show ip protocol Router#show ip interface brief Router#show interface Router#show interface serial 0 Router#show ip route Router#show frame pvc Router#show isdn active
Router 명령어 요약 Router#config terminal Router(config)#banner motd & !! 메시지 !! & Router(config)#line con 0 Router(config-line)#Login Router(config-line)#Password cisco Router(config)#line vty 0 4 Router(config-line)#Login Router(config-line)#Password cisco Router(config-line)#exec-timeout 30 0 (default 10 분 )