Longhorn Steakhouse Variance Request Applicant has requested a variance to the Land Development Code watershed regulation that restricts impervious cover to a maximum of 18%. The proposed project would include the installation of demolition of the existing structure currently known as Red Robin, construction of a new restaurant facility, expansion of the parking areas and completion of additional water quality and storm water controls.
Conceptual Site Plan
Longhorn Steakhouse Applicable Land Development Code Watershed Provisions (18) percent.” h “The projected impervious cover on any single lot or undivided tract in the upland zone shall not exceed eighteen Current Conditions Site area is 101,029 sf. Overall site (14.5 acres including Kohl’s) has an approved WPAP with an impervious area of 44.84% Existing Impervious area is 43,468 sf (43.0%) Proposed Impervious area is 48,857 (48.4%)
General Watershed Variance Requirements LDC Section There are special circumstances that deprive the applicant of the reasonable and economic use of his land if code was followed 2.The variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant 3.The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to public health, safety, or welfare or injurious to other property in the area 4.The granting of the variance will not have the effect of preventing the orderly development of other land in the area 5.The proposal demonstrates water quality will be equal or better then would have resulted had development proceeded without the variance.
Longhorn Steakhouse Additional Information Applicant is considering additional variance requests to the Sign, Parking and Landscaping Regulations.
Longhorn Steakhouse Variance Recommendation Staff recommends denial of this request. Proposed project exceeds current and historical Land Development Code Regulations. The site plan would require extensive water quality review. If a variance is granted the applicant will still need to prove water quality is equal to or better than a non-variance project at 18% impervious cover.