FOOD WASTE David Mathews
Rights and Responsibilities The United Nations says everyone has a right to food We all have a responsibilities not to waste food
Did You Know? We throw away 7 million tonnes of food and drink from out homes every year in the UK, Wasting this food costs the average household £470 a year, rising to £700 for a family with children, that equals £60 a month!
Which Foods Are Wasted The Most?
Why Is Food Wasted? We Buy too much food We cook too much food We put too much on our plates And we don’t store food properly
What Happens at Regency? Louise our Catering manager told me that we waste 1 black bag of food every day! Most of our food waste is vegetables This food waste goes to a waste disposal unit
What Happens in Worcestershire I spoke to a man at Worcestershire County Council Food waste is collected every 2 weeks and taken to 7 waste servicers in Pershore. Some is recycled for compos, but most goes to landfil
How Is Food recycled
What Happens In the UK As Of 2015
What Could We Do? We could monitor the waste at Regency School Council could have poster competition about not wasting food We could put up sensible portion sizes by the food counter A food waste assistant link on our school website School could find our what students are wasting and try different foods See if we could make our waste food into compost
Do You Have Any Ideas? Suggestions to me or School Council
Don’t waste - Lammas