There are pros and cons to everything. People ask for two reasons: They want to make music and feel successful without putting in too much work (usually due to an already busy life) They want to try the hardest instrument and feel like they can overcome anything. The truth is that you can feel what you want. Each instrument can be the hardest or easiest in their own way!
Trumpet ProCon Only three fingers to worry about! You can practice with just your mouthpiece! Fairly easy to take on a bus or trip. Reads treble clef. Can play classical or jazz. Can be very loud when you want. Must change notes with your mouth. Muscles can wear out faster at first so it takes consistent practice. Heavier to hold up than some instruments Can be difficult to play quietly
Trombone ProCon No fingers to worry about! You can practice with just your mouthpiece! Can be very loud when you want, and is supposed to be loud often. Can play classical or jazz. Trombone players are generally awesome. Must change notes with your mouth. Slide positions take attention to detail Reads bass clef (which we will cover in class) Can be hard to maneuver on the bus
Flute ProCon Mouth: set it and forget it (mostly)! Easy to carry and fit in a backpack. Tons of music can be played on flute. Lots of fingers to keep track of. Getting good tone can be tough in the first few weeks. Lots of parts that could bend if you don’t take care of them.
Clarinet ProCon Mouth: set it and forget it! Easy to carry and fit in a backpack (although not as much as flute) Clear tone right from the beginning Best instrument to start on if thinking of switching to other woodwinds. Lots of fingers to keep track of (even more than flute). Takes solid air pressure It uses a reed which could break easily if not careful Has a new hard skill near the end of the year (but that sets you up really well for middle school)
Saxophone ProCon Mouth: set it and forget it! Clear tone right from the beginning. Learn one saxophone, know them all. Often plays both classical and jazz in later grades. Lots of fingers to keep track of (even more than flute). Takes solid air pressure It uses a reed which could break easily if not careful Hard to play quietly when you are first learning A little harder to take on the bus (but not like trombone or percussion)
Percussion ProCon Mouth: not an issue Play lots of instruments Drumsticks! Independence Play lots of instruments (suggest either a year of piano first, or be prepared to practice twice as long as anyone else) Heavy, can be hard to get on and off the bus Takes a bit of setup time
1. Come to Band Night September 16 th ! 2. Stop by the music room during lunch recess!