L14 Vibrating Air Columns, Organs, and Flutes
CT What's the function of finger holes in a flute? a) To create an edgetone b) To shorten or lengthen the pipe c) Emphasizes the affects of the reed d) Mostly aesthetic e) More than one of these
Pan Pipes
A flute playing its lowest note is shown in spectrum “A”. f 1 refers to the fundamental of the flute. Which spectrum best matches a panpipe half as long as the flute? CT12.1.4b A f 1,flute amplitude B f 1,flute amplitude C f 1.flute amplitude 6f 1 D f 1,flute amplitude 6f 1 E) None of these looks right.
A flute playing its lowest note is shown in spectrum “A”. f 1 refers to the fundamental of the flute. Which spectrum best matches a panpipe (of equal length) playing its lowest note? CT12.1.4b A f 1,flute amplitude B f 1,flute amplitude C f 1.flute amplitude 6f 1 D f 1,flute amplitude 6f 1 E) None of these looks right.
CT If we halve the length of a tube in a wind instrument what will happen? a)The period is halved b)The frequency is doubled c)Raises the pitch one octave d)Both a and b e)a, b, and c
CT If you double the diameter of a long organ pipe, what happens to the fundamental you hear? A) Goes down by an octave B) Goes down, but way less than an octave C) Goes up, by an octave D) Goes up, but way less than an octave E) Something else