IEEE MEDIA INDEPENDENT HANDOVER DCN: Title: Emergency Services Date Submitted: March 18, 2008 Presented at IEEE session 25 in Orlando Authors or Source(s): Stephen McCann Abstract: Emergency Services in an IEEE context
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Emergency Services Stephen McCann Nokia Siemens Networks
Abstract The purpose of this presentation is to determine interest in the formation of an IEEE Study Group about Emergency Service (ES) provision
IEEE 802 ES Background Maturing IEEE 802 technologies carry VoIP traffic and it’s only a matter of time before regulations insist they support emergency services. (FCC & EU commission proposals) IEEE 802 technologies by themselves cannot ensure that all factors are compatible for Emergency Service sessions to actually take place. Therefore, it’s essential to distinguish between the minimum level of support provided by IEEE 802 emergency services, and support of emergency services at higher layers. By “IEEE 802 Emergency Services” we refer to the direct support in IEEE 802 technologies of such services, independently of what solutions are adopted at higher protocol layers. Under all circumstances, changes to IEEE 802 technologies should be kept to the minimum necessary.
Do What? To initiate a Study Group WGSG: Technology specific, 802.1, etc ECSG: Harmonized approach to ES in all 802 groups This study will take into account regulatory issues and the architecture requirements of NENA i2 & i3, IETF ECRIT and 3GPP/3GPP2 architecture requirements on radio access technologies. Attempt to pre-empt upcoming regulatory issues Determine what aspects of ES would benefit from a harmonized approach across all IEEE 802 technologies.
Relevant Requirements Ability to support ES calls (various media types) Support for callback Unauthenticated calls (no credentials in terminal) Roaming and non roaming Emergency Alert System (EAS) service Authority – authority communications Citizen – citizen communications Location (Automatic Location Identifier) Common Approach Note: This is not a location provisioning group
ES Interest Initial interest in ES within Other interest from LLDP-MED is a adopted wired solution with location support. Subsequent interest from (802 handover) Provision of ES Information Server Some interest from (15.4) and ZigBee and d (fixed) community Additional Information IEEE 802 Tutorials at March and July 2007 plenary meetings. Attendance ~150 Liaisons between IEEE , NENA and IETF ECRIT
Study Group Future work Study group will consider existing work in this area industry input network and service provider input what do regulators require Scope Media Independent Emergency Services (restrict scope to IEEE 802 technologies) Defined Goals and Timeframe To determine what work, if any, is necessary to enable an harmonized approach to emergency service provision across IEEE 802 technologies.
Background/Relevant Aspects IEEE LLDP-MED currently supports automatic physical location discovery suitable for wired 802 networks 802.1AB-Rev work in process could allow location discovery to be leveraged across all 802 technologies
IEEE p Supports Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) applications. This includes data exchange between high-speed vehicles and between the vehicles and the roadside infrastructure in the licensed ITS band of 5.9 GHz. ES from vehicles to authority (eCALL blackbox) Authority – authority vehicle comms
IEEE u New QoS features expedited bandwidth request QoS mapping Generic Advertising Service (GAS) Emergency services recommendations (informative) Use case #1: open network Use case #2: public credentials
IEEE v Reliable Location Determination Capability information includes Format (Civic, Geo – shapes not points, Location by Reference…etc) Encoding and Resolution Capable of providing self-location remote-location
IEEE Information Server logical place to support a comprehensive list of all ES support options. Mobility support assisting handovers during an ES session Location Service providers need flexibility on how location services are offered in their network Provides help in determining or provide the location to the clients at various layers Link layer specific ones (Layer 2) Link layer agnostic ones (Layer 3+)
Other Requirements? /20/22 Location Determination NG911 Support for non-voice ES connections (e.g. text messaging, , video)
Summary Study group Scope Media Independent Emergency Services restricted to IEEE 802 technologies Purpose To determine what work, if any, is necessary to enable a harmonized approach to emergency service provision across 802 technologies Timeframe 2 plenary cycles, to investigate PAR definition
Straw Poll Would you like to see the creation of an IEEE Study Group for Emergency Services across IEEE 802 technologies 31, 0, 6
Call for Interest Polls from Tutorials Support formation of a study group Yes/No/Abstain 41/4/26 Formation of an EC study group Yes/No/Abstain 23/13/28 Formation of an WG study group Yes/No/Abstain 11/ Yes/No/Abstain 17/16/27 Other, than.1,.21Yes/No/Abstain 17/14/30 How many people intend to participate? 24 How many companies intend to participate? 16