SET, Inc. Software Education and Training Your source for professional training in popular software applications
Education n Learn and understand u File and directory structures F File naming conventions F Organization techniques u Principles of backing up F Saving data F Preventative measures
Training n Common software packages u Word processing u Spreadsheets u Databases u Graphic and art u Scanning u Desktop publishing
Classes Regularly Offered in Word processing SpreadsheetsDatabasesGraphic and art Word for Windows ExcelAccess Adobe Illustrator Word Perfect 1-2-3ApproachCorelDraw Other programs available on request, including accounting, desktop publishing, and vertical apps
Our Instructors n Mary Baker n David Coffield n Elaine Wilkes n Jerry Smith n Dana Tuttle n Kevin Ellis n Judy McCoy n Frank Wilson All instructors hold a degree in Education plus various certifications in their fields.
Clients of SET, Inc. n High-Tech Communications n First United Bank of Chicago n Community Hospital n Offroad Rider Magazine n Systems and Network Design Client references are available. Contact SET, Inc. for more information.
Current Classes Mon.Tues.Wed.Thurs.Fri. Word Pro Spreadsh Database Graphic Basics
Prices n Rates by the hour, day, week, and month n Corporate rates u Discounts for groups u Savings for multiple classes n Custom pricing schedule available u One-on-one u On-site