Proportions in Math and Art Artful Thinking in Math 6 Class
What’s going on in this painting? What makes you say that? John Curry, American FIRE DIVER 1936
What can the Fire Diver perceive? Step inside the role of the Fire Diver. What might the Fire Diver know about or believe ? What might the Fire Diver care about?
X = What DOES X perceive? Step inside the role x. What does X know about or believe ? What might X care about? What does this have to do with art??
What is the relationship between these two versions of the same painting? The Scale Factor!
How Artists Enlarge Sketches Gridding is still used by many artists in addition to: over head projector. computer software that will enlarge/shrink or grid an image. SAILSS: Supporting Arts Integrated Learning for Student Success Bates MS/P.Klos 6 Historically, when artists need to enlarge an image for a large painting or murals, they often used a grid system using pencils, charcoal, rulers, and/or various inventions. In the 15 th century, Albecht Dűrer, famed for his superb wood cuts and draftsmanship, made a number of drawing engines to study perspective and enlarge or shrink images. Using this machine, sighting from a fixed point, he would look through a grid of strings and transfer what he saw onto his drawing surface which carried a similar grid.
Bates, David Milkbone, 1983 Van Gogh, Vincent: Portrait of Dr. Gatchet, 1893 Klee, Paul. Senecio Dongen, Kees Van, The Corn Poppy. 1919
SAILSS: Supporting Arts Integrated Learning for Student Success Bates MS/P.Klos 10