EuCARD-2 is co-funded by the partners and the European Commission under Capacities 7th Framework Programme, Grant Agreement Ionisation Cooling Test STFC WP8 Roy Preece Particle Physics Department, STFC EuCARD2 Annual Meeting, Barcelona, April 2015
2 Content ICTF – Reminder of what it is Users Update – How is the ICTF being used TNA Applications / Allocations
3 ICTF The Ionisation Cooling Test Facility (ICTF) comprises a specially developed target and beam-line at the ISIS proton synchrotron (800 MeV) at STFC’s Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. The beam-line provides µ, p, π, e at 100 MeV/c to 400 MeV/c. It has been operational for several years, though intensity continues to increase. The ICTF infrastructure includes installations to supply radio-frequency (RF) power and liquid hydrogen (LH2). The ICTF beam and infrastructure have been designed for the study of ionisation cooling, and meet the requirements of the Muon Ionisation Cooling Experiment (MICE), which is installed at the ICTF. WP8 under EuCARD-2 supports access to the ICTF.
ICTF : Ionisation Cooling Test Facility Beamline Experimental Hall
Users of the MICE Muon Ionisation Cooling Experiment (MICE) MICE is a key step for evaluating the feasibility of ionisation cooling for a neutrino factory and possible µ-collider. An international project with many collaborators around the world European Collaborators – UK, Switzerland, CERN, Bulgaria, Netherlands, Italy and Belgium. USA, China and Japan The ICTF was originally built to supply beam for the MICE experiment To this point the MICE Project has been the user of the ICTF I hope this will change and I will be able to report on an additional experiment utilising the ICTF
MICE SCHEDULE – STEP IV Step IV Construction complete June 2015 Step IV Commissioning complete August 2015 Absorber materials to be used are Lithium Hydride and Liquid Hydrogen Data taking period to end 1 st June 2016
MICE SCHEDULE – Cooling Demonstration Cooling Demonstration Construction complete March 2017 Cooling Demonstration Commissioning complete May 2017 Absorber material to be used for final step is Lithium Hydride Data period to end of UK FY 18
8 MICE Step IV Installation
9 MICE Update EMR, KL and TOF –Data runs complete –The main area that the access has been used for.
10 TA (WP8): application process Applications are assessed by TA Panel: –Ken Peach (Oxford, Chair) –Francesco Terranova (Milan) –Steve Geer (Fermilab) –plus technical and administrative input as needed. Panel works on cycle of two calls per year, advertised on the web pages of: –EuCARD-2 ( –PPD – STFC ( Contact has been made with the Research Directors of PSI, KEK and TRIUMF who have been asked to advertise the access to the ICTF throughout their communities.
11 Allocations Application was received at the September 2014 deadline from University of Geneva An allocation of €30k for a 18 month period (~184 visitor days, ~770 access units) Applications were received from The University of Sofia, INFN and a new MICE collaborator, the University of Belgrade at the March 15 deadline. –The Project coordinator was contacted to confirm associated membership of the EU for Serbia –Happy to say they are permitted to apply for funding The latest allocations panel has not as yet met and so allocations have not been made. –The meeting date has been set as the 5 th May Next call deadline will be September 2015
12 Allocations made and Access units Total funding for the 4 year project – €199,058 –Access management estimate – €45,443 –Leaving €153,615 Euro for access support This estimate has come from the following :- –Number of visits – 36 –Persons present per visit – 2 –Days spent at the facility – 8 –Travel estimate used – €700 –Subsistence (Accommodation + subsistence) – €182 My estimates for travel and subsistence –Return flight to be no more than €400 –Accommodation (including breakfast) at Ridgeway house £60 (€72) –Meals - £35 (€42) Total Units of Access for the lifetime of the project – 2280 InstituteAllocation period startAllocation period endCurrent periodAllocation(€)Spend on allocation (€)Num Users for periodUser days for periodAccess Units for period GenevaSep-13Sep-14No University of SofiaSep-13Mar-15No INFNSep-13Mar-15No GenevaSep-14Sep-15Yes University of SofiaMar-15Sep-16YesTBD 0 INFNMar-15Sep-16YesTBD 0 BelgradeMar-15Mar-17YesTBD 0 Totals Total Spend€ 51,810 Total Days559 Access Units2337 Required2280 Percentage102% Budget€ 153,615 Remaining budget€ 101,805