Community Objective Develop key strategic Business and Community Partnerships to ensure regional collaboration and alignment regarding the work force.
Process Launched the project with a team meeting to: Define and refine our challenge Pool our contacts Identify our desired key strategic alliances Researched our challenge Tested our hypotheses and floated our ideas with: CHRO at Media General CHRO at VCU Health Systems Obtained validation that RHRMA’s current model will not attract key HR executives and community leaders which is our most significant obstacle to achievement regional impact. This reinforced our conclusion that we must shift the paradigm and do it soon.
Infrastructure, Processes & Procedures to Ensure Success Identify individuals (sponsors,champions) and bring them in early to help with formation (LEAD!) Identify, understand, and correct any brand issues Form a Senior HR Executive Think Tank Group (ADVANCE!): To provide forum for regional HR issues To provide future strategic direction for RHRMA Lead efforts to tackle shared regional HR issues (e.g. Telecommuting, labor pool) Establish a core group to begin the “trickle of intrigue” relationship building (ENGAGE!) RHRMA Board President and Executive Director (recommended hire) HR Executive—community thought leader Community Relations committee member
Performance Measures We will measure successful accomplishment of our goal by: Being seen as the “go-to” group for regional HR challenges Creating a steady flow of shared information between and among key strategic alliances Establishing a regional voice Aligning existing resources (All Stars, Community Grants) to support and solidify our community brand Meeting defined metrics: # of strategic alliances formed # of key HR executives supporting and participating in RHRMA strategic initiatives and alliances
Deadlines & Accountabilities for Future Activities Define the Value Proposition for us and our strategic alliances (Vance) Research the mission/values/goals of our initially identified strategic alliances to confirm “fit” (Cavedo, Manasco, Carlton, Vance 10/01/08): GRTC GRP GRCC LMR Identify the current shared regional workforce issues (Task Force 12/1/08) Identify criteria for sponsors; invite and engage them (Cavedo, Manasco, Carlton 1/1/08) Form the RHRMA task force to move this objective forward (Manasco and Cavedo by 10/1/08)
2009 Goals for Continued Growth Successfully achieve our stated performance measures Being seen as the “go-to” group for regional HR challenges Creating a steady flow of shared information between and among key strategic alliances Establishing a regional voice Aligning existing resources (All Stars, Community Grants) to support and solidify our community brand Meeting defined metrics: # of strategic alliances formed (business and community) # of key HR executives supporting and participating in RHRMA strategic initiatives and alliances
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