Clovis Baptista Director Second Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities on Science and Technology Mexico City, October 27, 2008 Organization of American.


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Presentation transcript:

Clovis Baptista Director Second Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities on Science and Technology Mexico City, October 27, 2008 Organization of American States (OAS) Department of Science, Technology and Innovation

Organization of American States - OAS The OAS brings together the nations of the Western Hemisphere to strengthen cooperation on democratic values, defend common interests and debate the major issues facing the region and the world. Main regional multilateral forum for cooperation for: strengthening democratic governance promoting human rights eradicating poverty fighting terrorism and illegal drugs conflict resolution Integral development (Science, Technology and Innovation; Culture; Education; Trade; Social Development and Employment; Sustainable Development; and, Human Development

Triple Added Value of the OAS Political Priorities Political blessing 3 levels: Summits of the Americas, Ministerial Meetings and Inter- American Commissions Concrete Actions Cooperation projects Exchange of experiences and best practices Institutional strengthening Training – capacity building Effective Public Policies Power to convene Works in coordination and with the support of international organizations and civil society From mandates and political priorities to concrete actions and projects

Department of Science, Technology and Innovation (DSTI) Supports dialogue at the highest level in Member States for the formulation of national policies and strategies for the development of science, technology, engineering and innovation to improve competitiveness in the productive sector. Fosters national capacity building and institutional strengthening. Promotes, articulates and facilitates regional cooperation activities in science, technology and innovation.

Some of the most pressing needs and challenges in STEI for the Region Job creation More investment in S&T and R&D Improvements in education and academic Better management of natural resources (renewable energy, biodiversity and biotechnology) Increase competitiveness in global economy through innovation and productivity Ensure food safety and sustainability

Political Level Strategies to address Challenges Agenda of the 2 nd Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities in Science and Technology “Science, Technology, Engineering and Innovation as tools for Prosperity” 1. STEI and public policies for integral development a)Social inclusion and cohesion b)Sustainable food production 2. STEI as tools for sustainable natural resource management a)Biodiversity, environment and biotechnology b)Energy resources 3. STEI as tools for increasing productivity a)Education and human-capacity building b)Technological Innovation for competitiveness

DSTI New Priority Areas S&T Policy Political dialogue Institutional Strengthening Education and Capacity Building Gender equity Civil Society participation Popularization of science S&T for social inclusion Innovation and Competitiveness Applied Sciences Biotechnology Energy Materials and Nanotechnology Information and communication technologies Scientific Networks CLARA RICYT LACCIR IANAS Other collaborative efforts Technology and innovation management Engineering for the Americas TM Inter-American Metrology System (SIM) REGIONALCOOPERATION

Public Policy Civil Society Round Table “The Role of Science, Technology, Engineering and Innovation (STEI) for Human Prosperity, Energy Security and Environmental Sustainability,” tentative venue and date: Trinidad and Tobago, February Publication and dissemination of civil society participation and contributions in S&T policy, Period Capacity Building and Institutional Strengthening On-line courses currently being developed: S&T contributions to Democratic Governance with Gender Equity. Metrology for non-metrologists Quality Assurance for Small Sized Businesses

Public Policy Popularization of Science Promotion and dissemination of science and technology through diverse activities (scientific journalism, fairs, conferences, publications, networks, museums, etc.) Gender Supports the Program “Advancing the Integration of a Gender Perspective in Science and Technology Policies and Programs in the Americas (CIM, GAB/UNCSTD and UNESCO Chair). MUCIA - Network of Women in Science & Engineering to strengthen the leadership capabilities of women in Latin America and the Caribbean. Collaboration agreements with the Third World Organization of Women Scientists (TWOWS) and the Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) (in process)

Applied Sciences Biotechnology / Biosafety (food, environment, security) i. BIONNA - Bionnovation for the Americas. Network of biotechnology stakeholders seeking to innovate in their field. iii. PIPRA - MoU with University of California at Davis, to advance the work of scientists involved in agricultural innovation. Nanotechnology Economic impact in all industries Tools, New materials, Energy, Health care Nano-electronics

Applied Sciences Energy Diversified R&D energy portfolio on diversification of clean, secure and renewable energy sources (wind, solar, bio-mass, hydro, geothermic) with: i.Equity of access and distribution, conservation of resources, compatibility with society, environment, climate and health, economic efficiency, sustainability, availability and security of supply. ii.Focus on R&D through horizontal cooperation and strategic alliances.

Specialized Networks and Collaboration Collaboration and Partnership Academic and scientific Institutions / Networks Private Sector / corporations, research institutes OAS entities (SEDI departments, Young Americas Business Trust, CITEL) and other inter-American organizations, such as PAHO, IADB and World Bank Specialized agencies (ABC, CIDA, GTZ, PTB, USAID) Specialized Networks RICYT CLARA IANAS LACCIR

Innovation and Competitiveness Hemispheric initiative Engineering for the Americas (EftA) Objectives : i.Quality in Education: Promote improvements in the quality of engineering education through curricular updates with global competencies and teacher support. ii.Service Mobility: Strengthen national engineering capabilities by promoting engineering and technical services to comply with international standards. iii.University-Industry Cooperation: Encourage increased cooperation between academic/scientific and the productive sectors, including co-op programs, entrepreneurship skills training, alliances, etc.

Reengineering of EftA New Leadership New Partners New efficient and functional operative structure New ideas and high-impact projects New initiatives for the mobilization of resources and funds collection Take advantage of and undertake best practices and successful initiatives.

Innovation and Competitiveness NATIONAL QUALITY INFRASTRUCTURE i.Metrology (SIM) ii.Accreditation (IAAC) iii.Standards (COPANT/ISO) iv.Certification v.Inspections and tests vi.Quality assurance (MSMEs) Canadá Estados Unidos de América México NORAMET Costa Rica Belice Guatemala Nicaragua Honduras Panamá El Salvador CAMET Colombia Venezuela Bolivia Perú Ecuador ANDIMET Bahamas Barbados Dominica Grenada Guyana Haiti Jamaica República Dominicana Saint Kitts y Nevis St Lucia St Vincent and the Grenadines Surinam Trinidad y Tobago Antigua y Barbuda CARIMET Chile Argentina Brasil Paraguay Uruguay SURAMET

Innovation and Competitiveness Source Report of activities of SIM Human Resources Development, Metrology in the Americas, OAS, Abril 2007.

Innovation and Competitiveness Triangular Cooperation: Metrology of Natural Gas in Latin America Project with economic impact financed by the German government, PTB, and with direct technical assistance from Mexico and Brazil to: Expand the technical measurement capabilities for natural gas (volume and contents) of the Metrology National Institutes of Bolivia and Peru. Contribute to the efficiency of the natural gas market and consumer protection. Empower reference services following international practices to assist consumers, gas supplier businesses, and Bolivian and Peruvian regulatory bodies. Example of the type of Metrology projects in the framework of the IMS that support economic development in the region.

Engineering for Innovation, Competitiveness and Prosperity Prosperity (rising income per capita) Productivity (increased output per worker) Innovation (higher-value products, processes and services) Competitiveness (expand markets and exports )

Clovis Baptista Director Department of Science, Technology and Innovation Organization of American States (OAS) Thank you, Gracias, Merci, Obrigado