International Orientations The degree and nature of involvement in international orientation of companies vary widely. The strategic important of international business and the marketing strategy differ between companies. 1. Ethnocentrism (home country orientation) 2. Polycentrism (host county orientation) 3. Regiocentrism (regional country orientation) 4. Geocentrism (world orientation)
Ethnocentrism orientations Overseas operations are viewed secondary to domestic operation are prime as a means of disposing of surplus. The position of small companies just entering minimal international operations because risk minimal no investment no additional selling cost Eg: Preethi mixture, ultra grinder ….
Polycentric Host country oriented Each national market is distinctive Focuses on the difference between the home and foreign mkt The multinational corporations are polycentric companies. The important merit of polycentrism is adaptation of the business strategies to the local conditions Eg: TATA oranisation
Regiocentric It’s view different regions as different markets. A particular region with certain important common marketing characteristics is regarded as a single market. Strategy integration organizational approach and product policy tend to be implemented at regional level. Objective are set by head quarters.
Geocentric It’s view the entire world as a single mkt and develops standardized marketing mix, projecting a uniform image of the company and its products, for the global mkt.
Forms of International Business Market Entry Strategies – Global Sourcing manufacturing and/or purchasing components worldwide and assembling them into a final product Market Entry Strategies – Exporting selling locally made products in foreign markets
– Importing buying foreign made products and selling them in domestic markets Market Entry Strategies – Licensing Agreement pay a fee to acquire the rights to sell another company’s products franchising is form of licensing
Direct Investment Strategies – joint ventures – strategic alliances – wholly owned subsidiary