CHAPEL A FRIDAY EVENING GATHERING The next two dates for your diary are May 6th and June 3 rd. As you know we decided to start meeting after last years Ashburnham holiday where many of us felt the benefit of having more time together, worshipping, hearing other peoples faith stories and praying for each other. We have enjoyed meeting together and have been encouraged by the numbers who have been able to come on the Friday night, which we know is a big deal. Before we know it a year will have gone so we thought we'd take the opportunity to ask you how you think it's going and how you think the group should progress, also whether we should keep it on a Friday night or move to a Sunday evening. Mark Riches and Simon Hall Pray for Leeds The Prayer for Leeds team invite you and your church to Pray for Leeds as one family beginning at 7pm on April the 22 nd and finishing 24 hours later. You are welcome to drop in for as little or as long as you can. The event is being held at Gateway church, St Mark’s, LS2 9AF. Christian AiD Week It will soon be Christian Aid week, May If you are willing to help with Christian Aid house-to house envelope drop/ collection, please let Robin know as soon as possible. Verse of the week The Lord your God is in your midst, a victorious warrior. He will exult over you with joy, he will be quiet in His love, He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy. Zephaniah 3:17 (NASB) Set up in April- Dave Herringshaw & Ruth Esplin Set up in May - Ruth Small’s housegroup Please note that we are not allowed to use the equipment in the lower playground and that any children playing there must be supervised by an adult. Thank you! Send newsletter notices and news to or phone the church office on Thursday is the cut-off for any notices for that Sunday’s news-sheet. Our new office address is First Floor, 182 Harrogate Rd, Chapel Allerton, Leeds LS7 4NZ. The ministers of the church are Simon Hall ( ) and Robin Thomson ( ). SUNDAY 17th April 2016 Today Mark Baxby will be leading our worship. Following the break we will continue our series on human sexuality. Ruth Perrin will be speaking to us on ‘Covenant - God’s way’. Welcome to Chapel A THIS COMING WEEK Tuesdays at 12.30pm in the church office - a short prayer meeting with the staff and whoever would like to pray for Chapel A. Housegroups generally meet on Monday, Tuesday and alternate Thursday evenings. Please see notice board in corridor. Tuesdays - Totally Tuesday for Years 5-7, pm in Chapel All. Methodist Hall. Wednesday – WOW youth group for Years 8+ in Chapel Allerton Methodist Hall. Please contact Hannah Dey on or about any of our usual groups for young people. Messy Church It is Messy Church this Sunday. Everyone is welcome to come along and bring friends. It is at Chapel Allerton Methodist Centre, pm. ALL INCLUSIVE? An evening entitled “All Inclusive?” will be presented by Urban Saints on Thursday, May 19 th at South Parade Baptist Church, Headingley. The evening is for all who work with and care for children and young people with special or additional needs and will run from 7.30pm to 9.30pm. It will be presented by Mark Arnold from Urban Saints – a movement, which was formerly known as Crusaders, and has been reaching out to youngsters with the good news of Jesus Christ since Tickets cost £3 in advance and £5 on the door. Group discounts are also available. Please contact Nathan Shipley on for more information and tickets. Help needed