The British In India
Spice Trade Draws Europe
The Spice Trade Pepper, cinnamon, rice, tea, cotton, indigo etc. all were in great demand in Europe Very expensive due to taxes and tariffs by Italians and Turks
British East India Company First Imperialism in India was NOT done by British government!
Imperialism in India started with a trading company The British East India Company: The company was started to control trade between Britain, India, and East Asia. VERY POWERFUL! eventually the company gained political control over Bangladesh, Southern India, and Northern India (along Ganges River)
. Manipulated rulers of states, suggested each needed British support to keep throne Played rulers against each other, kept India in chaos Company’s army took over much of India, claiming it had to restore order Kept India in Chaos British East India Company
East India Company and Culture Goal was to make money Power to tax Had their own army! Some interest in Indian culture – Friendships and intermarriages – Officers required to learn Persian and Sanskrit – Christian missionary activity discouraged Paternalism – British educational system slowly introduced
I How did the British East India Company change India? 1. New Education system Teach English
How did the British East India Company change India? 2. New Laws: banned some customs like “Sati”- widows killing themselves by jumping into their husband’s funeral fire.
How did the British East India Company change India? 3. Religion: Christian Missionaries came to spread their beliefs in India.
Jewel in the Crown Reference
India was Britain’s most valuable colony, or “jewel in the crown.” Forced to produce raw materials for British manufacturing Also forced to buy British goods 300 million Indians were a large market for British products Britain’s Jewel in the Crown”
“Jewel in the Crown” Britain set up a railroad network to take raw materials from inside India to its ports
Raw Materials Taken from India Tea Indigo (dye for clothing)
Raw Materials Taken from India Coffee Cotton
Raw Materials Taken from India Jute (fiber for making rope) Opium (plant that heroin is made from)
Pair-Share Activity Draw a crown with THREE peaks. In each of the peaks, write down a reason as to why India was so important to Great Britain. There were many reasons, so you need to decide on the three you think were the most important. Do this next to the last slide for the Jewel of the Crown.
Indian Rebellion/Resistance to British Rule
Indians Rebel By 1850 most Indians resented that Great Britain owned their country Indians were angry at attempts to forcefully convert them to Christianity Indians were angry Britain controlled all useful land in their country ■ Indians were angry at the constant racism expressed towards them by the British
Sepoys and Sepoy Mutiny or Rebellion (Depends on Viewpoint)
Sepoys Indians who joined British armies in India – Resented by other Indians
Sepoy Mutiny (1857): Underlying and Immediate Causes Underlying Causes – Religious Frictions: Some British officers actively attempted to convert the sepoys to Christianity – Doctrine of the Lapse: The Company automatically seized land from a feudal leader who died without leaving an heir. – Unfair justice system toward Indians. British officers accused of crimes against Indians were granted multiple appeals and advantages when being tried. Immediate Cause – The Enfield Rifle: It required the soldier to bite the cartridge and hold the ball in his mouth when loading the rifle. The belief that the cartridge was lubricated with animal fat (either pork or beef) offended both Muslims and Hindus.
Sepoy Mutiny Sepoys in Meerut refused to use cartridges; thought it plot to make them abandon Hinduism, Islam Sepoys punished for protesting In response, northern Indian sepoys rose up against British Eventually gained control of Delhi Violence of rebellion ferocious Both sides committed atrocities Sepoys killed British officers, as well as wives, children Captured mutineers strapped to cannons and shot; villages burned Fighting continued two years
Indians Did Not Fully Unite During Sepoy Mutiny serious splits between Hindus and Muslims unclear inconsistent leadership Many Indian princes did not take part in the rebellion (made alliances with British) Sikhs (Indian religious group) remained loyal to the British As a result, the British Government disbanded the East India Company and took direct control of India – This becomes know as the Raj
The British Raj
Turning Point 1858 British government took direct control over India (because of the Mutiny) Raj (time period when India was under Great Britain’s control: )
A Life of Leisure!
Lady Curzon, 1904
Raj Building Projects During Raj, British built railroads, roads, canals in India By 1910, India had fourth-largest railroad network in world British invested in transportation to move troops; help sell British products Raj Impact British manufactured goods devastated India’s economy British closed factories to prevent competition India now primarily exported raw materials, not manufactured goods Raj Commerce India important market for British manufactured goods Also source of raw materials like cotton, tea, indigo, jute Taxes from Indian landowners paid for administration of India, Indian army Life under the British Raj
Life Under the Raj Stability and surprisingly honest government. Modernization: – Many Indians educated – Women even allowed to attend college. – Modernized the country—railroads, highways, telegraph, postal service, etc.
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