Background Info: - Had no desire be President after the Constitution Convention. -His dream was to settle down to his estate. Mount Vernon
1792- EXECUTIVE EXAMPLE ******National Hero****** ~set many precedents for future leaders by…… -developed Cabinet - Appointed & divided the Executive Branch, which soon became the president’s advisors - T.Jefferson= Sec. of State - Alex. Hamilton- Sec. of Treasury -defined appointment powers -expanded foreign affairs powers -became legislative leader
1 ST CONGRESS -Bill of Rights ratified (Voted in) 10 Amendments -passed Judiciary Act of 1789 Supreme Court= “Supreme law of the Land”
FINANCIAL DEBATE Hamilton vs. Jefferson Alexander Hamilton, Sec. Of Treasury and Thomas Jefferson, Sec. of State despised one another. Hamilton: Believed in a Strong Central Gov’t, led by the educated elite upper class. *man is bad! Jefferson: 1. Favored strong state and local gov’ts, a society of farmer- citizens. *Man is rational *These 2 different views = a contributing factor to the development of political parties.:.. Factions Hamilton Jefferson
political parties.: =.. Factions Hamilton= FEDERALIST Political Party Jefferson= DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICANS
-nation had large war debt = THE US OWED $ (* Soldiers, foreign nations, and state Gov’ts) FINANCIAL DEBATE
-Alexander Hamilton’s plan 1. tariff (tax on Imports) to stimulate economy 2.-pay all debts HOW?: 1. Bonds. 3. national bank system -Issue Paper money, handle tax receipts & other Gov’t Funds. **debate over power to create a national bank** -implied powers?- No mention of a National Bank in the Constitution - Unhealthy alliance b/w Fed. Gov’t & Wealthy Business intrests.
Don’t write this down.. Please listen. What type of people would vote for Hamilton's plan? Who is not so happy about the plan? Washington & Congress accepted Hamilton’s views & The National Bank was formed. * To win support, Hamilton pleased Southerners with the idea to move the Capital from NY to an area b/w VA and Maryland, called DC.
POLITICAL AFFAIRS -British harassment of settlers in the west -French Revolution in British and French at war * (neat side note, this is when Napoleon was in power in France) (A. Hamilton wanted to support the GB) (Jefferson & Madison wanted to support the French) -U.S. neutrality - *G.W. knew war was not in the best interest of the new Nation
Whiskey Rebellion -Hamilton pushed through Congress a NEW Tax to help get the Gov’t out of Debt. -MTN farmer’s rebellion over an excise tax (tax on a product’s manufacture or sale) on whiskey they produced -rebellion crushed by Washington, Hamiliton and the army before it begins -proves the strength of the new federal gov’t
POLITICAL AFFAIRS - Jay’s Treaty -trade treaty with Britain -highly unpopular b/c of the Revolution & GB could continue trading west of the Appalachian Mtns. *but would stop seizing ships -Pinckney’s Treaty -trade treaty with Spain -access to the Mississippi R., & all Lands EAST of Miss R; *US citizens now allowed to use LA port, New Orleans & trade freely on the Mississippi - Treaty of Greenville -Battle of Fallen Timbers -Native Americans vs. Federal Troops -Ohio Valley area - Federal Troops won, did not pay for land BUT gave $20,000 worth of goods for most of the land in Ohio.
WASHINGTON’S WARNING - served two terms but refused another -political fighting had already begun (Federalist vs. Democratic- Republicans) -Farewell Warnings Farewell Address -no political parties * Warns of the division of Factions -no involvement in foreign affairs * ”Steer clear of Permanent Alliances” with other nations
Hamilton I like big Banks and I cannot lie Education is the key to the BEST Government. If you can’t read this, you shouldn’t be operating our Gov’t. Jefferson Support your local Farmer Keep your money local: Support State Banks. Support the masses: Farmers