Web-Based Physical Therapy Software
Page About Company Turbo PT Ultra is complete and reasonably priced Medical Billing Management Solution for health care clinics.Medical Billing Management Solution Turbo PT Messenger Pro is the fastest and easiest way to send automatic text message and appointment reminders to your physical therapy patients. Automate and standardize your Clinical and EMR documentation With Turbo’s integrated documentation module.EMR documentation
Page Turbopt Physical Therapy Documentation With Turbo’s integrated documentation module, you will be able to fully automate and standardize tedious documentation chores to APTA guidelines You can choose to “read in ” the previous visit’s soap note and evaluation data, modify it and save it as completely new soap note or evaluation! Initial, Progress and Discharge evaluations SOAP notes Treatment plans and flow sheets 700/701 Forms Outcomes Analysis EMR Documentation: It can store documents and images electronically directly in your patient database.
Page Turbo PT Cloud- Connect Anywhere Financial and EMR Data Stored in the Cloud! Unlimited Scalability Always Safe and Secure Access your clinical data from any internet enable computer – even Starbucks! Reduced Cost, Increased Reliability, Higher Profits
Page Turbo PT Medical Practice Management System Turbo has proved to be the easiest, most advanced practice management system available. Easily Manage Patient Information Electronically Store Images & Docs in Your Patient Database Multiple Incident Tracking Management Reports Patient reports that allow you to control and organize all patient files. Real-time Data and high resolution 3D graphs Maximize Your Collection Efforts Generates clinical reports
Page Turbopt Medical Appointment Scheduler Turbo enabling you to effectively coordinate physical therapists, patients, and all aspect of your practice. Schedule patients for Multiple visits Schedule reoccurring appointments Schedule patients between multiple clinics Color code appointment types for easy identification. Schedule and maintain SMS reminders and notifications from your Turbo PT Ultra scheduler. Use pre-defined templates or create and save your own for personalized contact and response.
Page Contact Us Sales Phone: Support Phone: Support Hours are from 7:00am to 4:00pm PST Monday thru Friday. Address Global Support Systems 6400 Canoga Ave. Unit 203 Woodland Hills, CA 91364