Justice Intergovernmental IT Integration Wendy W. Rayner Chief Information Officer State of New Jersey December 11, 2000
2 So why are we here today? Nationwide effort to provide Governors with the resources to create Statewide working groups. These working groups are to work on fostering communication between law enforcement, the judicial branch, and corrections. The goal is to maximize the equity, efficiency, and effectiveness of the National Justice System.
December 11, Collaboration needs to be “sold” Find the value of integration Technology as a change agent Citizens believe we already have integration Need to sell this throughout the various levels and branches of government
December 11, Expectations need to be grounded in reality Integration takes time and money Results may not be readily apparent to those involved in the effort This is an enormous task – leaders need to believe that this is the right thing to do for the long term and they need a clear plan Break down the larger projects into self- contained smaller projects
December 11, Technology needs to be used to reach over the Criminal Justice System’s Boundary-lines Jurisdictional, functional, geographical, and historical boundaries The value of technology is its ability to foster relationships and data sharing
December 11, Need to have system wide agreement on the collaborative procedures to be followed in the future Need a vehicle for regular communication to solve issues as they arise Someone needs to be designated to coordinate the effort If there is no agreement on how to act there will be no action This is where the “hard” work is done
December 11, Criminal Justice leaders need to put trust in each other Be prepared to take the first step Recognize when someone else is attempting to meet you half-way Don’t allow fiefdoms to be a barrier to large scale change
December 11, “Business-Leaders” in the Criminal Justice System need to be convinced of the need for integration Judges Sheriffs/Police Captains Corrections Commissioners
December 11, Legislatures need to see the value of integration and be willing to fund the effort They need to learn that while we do currently have some integration, there is still much to be done They need to know why this is going to take additional upfront funds They also need to know that this is an ongoing effort
December 11, How do you fit Justice Integration into your Governor’s Agenda? Why is this an important political item? Yes there is a potential public safety component to this work, but we need to do a better job in selling this as better service to our citizens
December 11, Benefits Less duplication of effort Increased data accuracy/completeness Timeliness Increase our ability to share relevant data with service providers
December 11, Thank you and Good Luck!