Personal Growth and Development
Personal development—receptiveness to change Making behavior modification work for you Understanding yourself Understanding others/Respecting differences Assessment of your strengths and areas for improvement Developing your communication skills Leadership and Teamwork Mental and physical wellness Motivating Yourself
USA lost #1 position in the world economy after second world war because of the attitude Japan, Korea, Germany and other countries were striving for continuous improvement and therefore surpassed the USA In last 30 years the US industry changed its attitude and adopted the continuous improvement paradigm to regain its competitive edge If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it
A major league baseball player has a batting average of and earns $12 million a year He still works with his coach to increase his average to Why? The reason that his batting average is is that he wasn’t satisfied when it was Successful people realize the need to strive continuously to change, grow, and improve
Personal Total Quality Management (TQM) Strive to change, grow, and improve yourself continuously in every area that impacts your effectiveness Student Development Areas in which you need to grow, change, or develop to achieve your goal of receiving your B.S. degree in engineering
Why YOU should use Total Quality Management!
Actions Productive actions – support the achievement of your goals Non-productive actions – Interfere with or work against the achievement of your goals
Thoughts Positive thoughts - result in our choosing productive actions Negative thoughts – result in our choosing non-productive actions
I don’t like my life to be scheduled Waste time by not scheduling it Scheduling tasks will help me achieving my goals Make a schedule Negative thought Non-Productive Action Positive thought Productive Action
Feelings Positive feelings – produce positive thoughts, which in turn lead to productive actions Negative feelings – produce negative thoughts, which in turn lead to non-productive actions
Hates studying engineering “I will never graduate in engineering” Does not graduate in engineering Has a positive feeling about studying engineering “I might enjoy studying engineering” Becomes an outstanding student and graduates Negative Feeling Negative Thought Non-Productive Action Positive Feeling Positive Thought Productive Action
Therapy Change negative feelings to positive feelings and thoughts and behaviors will follow Behavior modification Choose productive behaviors and work to change negative thoughts to positive thoughts and feelings will follow
Non-Productive Actions/Behaviors Negative Thoughts/Attitudes Negative Feelings Productive Actions/Behaviors Positive Thoughts/Attitudes Positive Feelings Change GOAL (B.S. Degree) STUDENT SUCCESS MODEL
Must successfully navigate three steps Step 1. Knowledge – “You know what to do.” Step 2. Commitment – “You want to do it.” Step 3. Implementation – “You do it.”
Devote significant time and energy to studying Master the material presented in each class period Study collaboratively with other students Review notes, read text, attempt problems prior to each lecture Interact regularly with professors outside of classroom Immerse yourself in the academic environment of the institution Participate actively in student organizations
Knowledge alone is no guarantee Smoking causes cancer, everybody knows it, but why are some people still smoking? A commitment to do something is an attitude Become conscious of your attitudes Change negative attitudes that obstruct your growth
Knowledge and commitment alone are no guarantee You have to actually do it! This probably is the most difficult step actual change is hard, no matter how knowledgeable or committed you are
Toyota's 8 Step Practical Problem Solving Methodology Overview (10.29 min)
1.Identify key areas in which your attitudes will have a significant impact on your academic success 2.For each area, identify what attitudes you hold 3.For each attitude ask: “Is this attitude working for me or against me?” (positive or negative attitude) 4.For each negative attitude ask: “Why do I hold this attitude?” 5.For each negative attitude ask: “Can I change this negative attitude to one that will work for me?”
Current behaviors satisfy some need or want that you have Have difficulty choosing to do things you don’t find easy or enjoyable Afraid to study because if you do and still fail, it will reflect on your ability Prefer to blame your failure on people or factors external to yourself
In your group, discuss/develop strategies to overcome the below listed barriers. Appoint a leader to keep the discussion on topic Group Discussion–Overcome Barriers Current behaviors satisfy some need or want that you have Have difficulty choosing to do things you don’t find easy or enjoyable Afraid to study because if you do and still fail, it will reflect on your ability Prefer to blame your failure on people or factors external to yourself
Read Chapter 6 sections 6.5, 6.6, 6.7, 6.8 of the textbook Homework #7: Write at least two pages about today's group discussion: Strategies to overcome barriers to choosing productive actions. Add one additional barrier to choosing productive action and provide a strategy to overcome it.