HR Leadership, Education & Development + Coaching Updates Declan Hynes
Why development is so critical… If we get it right with our staff, we get it right with our customers. Overwhelming evidence that ‘good people management practices lead to better patient outcomes’ (Prof. Michael West, NHS)
3 …There is overwhelming evidence linking high staff engagement with beneficial behaviours, better outcomes and improved performance Desirable behaviours Outputs for staff Outputs for the organisation Overall performance Levels of innovation amongst staff (Gallup 2007) Willingness to advocate the organisation to others (Gallup 2006) Higher job satisfaction – lower levels of stress More involvement in ones role Positive feelings towards the organisation Lower staff sickness absence (Gallup 2006) Lower staff turnover (Gallup 2006) Fewer accidents at work (Gallup 2006) Lower infection rates in hospitals (West 2012) Lower staff sickness absence (Gallup 2006) Lower staff turnover (Gallup 2006 Greater customer satisfaction or patient experience (IES, Salanova, West) Increased operating income (Towers Perrin 2006) Increased productivity (Gallup 2006) Increased profitability (Gallup 2006)
Priority 1: Leadership culture 1.Create a National Leadership Academy Align key stakeholders. Roll out a suite of leadership programmes and supports for HSE reform; focus on team development and integration Front line management development. Roll-out development supports incorporating pre agree built in service outcomes Revise and launch National coaching and Mentoring frameworks and delivery plan. National leads established. Review and evaluate current practices. Increase pools. 2016
Level 1: Induction and local Foundation Management & Staff Development Modules FETAC programmes Grade III & Non Management Levels* Level 2: First time managers & People Management Legal Framework; FETAC programmes (FTM & PMLF) Grade IV & Nursing; Medical; Dental, Health & Social Care Professionals* Level 3: “Unlocking Leadership Potential” – Leadership Talent Management Development Programme (LTD) Grade V, VI & VII Nurse Managers; Medical; Dental, Health & Social Care Professionals* Level 4 and 5: Multidisciplinary Leadership Development Programme Succession Management Development Programme (SMDP) Heads of Function, Senior Managers, Asst. National Directors & Clinical Leads; Directors of Nursing & AND Nurse managers; Medical; Dental, Health & Social Care Professionals* Grade VIII & General Mgrs Level 6: “Leadership at the Peak” Tailored Executive Leadership Development Programme (ELD) Director General & National Director Executive Level Leadership and Management Development Pyramid
What we did… Designed, developed, piloted and evaluated a multidisciplinary leadership development programme Interim evaluated provided evidence to National Leadership Directorate for national implementation (post EU procurement) Longitudinal evaluation with external consultant from Kings Fund, Leadership Academy UK validated that the programmes addresses Goal 4 of the HSE Corporate Plan
Programme launch & Structure Human Resource Future Leaders Programme launched November 2015 Level 1: 19 participants Level 2: 18 participants Mixed levels: 20 participants (May 2016) Heath Business Services Leaders Programme Programme February 2016 Clinical Directorate Team Multidisciplinary Leadership Programmes x 3 Launched April 2016 x 2 (merged Launch September 2016 x 1 National Finance Division Launch May 2016 Health and Social Care Professionals Launch September 2016 Occupational Health Newly appointed consultants – launch June 2016 Occupational Health Consultants – launch June 2016 Hospital Groups (HG’s) and Community Health Organisations (CHO’s) Leaders programmes 2016 – programmes: 320 participants
Pre programme work Application Interview Line manager engagement Initial project scoping Module 1 Intermodular work 360 appraisal (optional) Seminar preparation LDP Strategic Projects Action Learning Set meetings Coaching Module 2 Intermodular work Seminar preparation LDP Strategic Projects Action Learning Set meetings Coaching Module 3 Intermodular work Seminar preparation LDP Strategic Projects Action Learning Set meetings Coaching Module 4 Intermodular work Poster and presentation preparation LDP Strategic Projects Action Learning Set Coaching Module 5 Programme structure
Strategic Leadership Projects
Strategic Leadership Project – benefi ts Individual/team has benefitted and developed their leadership competencies Their organisation or service has benefitted, developed or improved Evidence based outcomes
Leadership Development tools Talent Q Executive Coaching Emotional Capital Report 360 o Appraisals (optional)
StrategyServiceSelf Understanding the Health Service Patient FocusFocus & Resilience Strategic Orientation & Future Focus Delivering Results & Solutions Corporate Collegiality & Effective Team Working Managing ChangeLeadership & Managing Performance Communication & Influencing skills Analysis & JudgementPersonal growth & Openness to Learning HSE Strategic Management Competency Framework (aligned National Directors)
Priority 3: Learning and development No.DescriptionPerformance indicatorDelivery date 1.Bring all branches of learning and development into a single consolidated delivery function Develop a L & D plan Review and Develop structured and flexible ”e” solutions aligned to competency framework Identify metrics for measuring value for money (VfM) and return on investment (RoI) Design and develop a comprehensive HRD evaluation/metric framework Establish service level agreements with each service area. Ensure front line service requirements are aligned to agreed performance frameworks 2016
Unlocking Leadership Potential Level 3 People Management Legal Framework, Research Review Completed LED Communication & Rebranding 2016 Induction Guidelines updated for 2016 Employee Handbook Updated for 2016 Graduate Internship scheme Coaching & Mentoring Standardisation Other LED Updates
HSE Graduate Programme Overall Goal Primary purpose: To introduce a 12 Month Graduate Internship Programme commencing Summer Placements in Dublin Cork & Galway - Each of the 5 National Divisions to be allocated a Graduate Intern Secondary purpose: To have a working model available for wider application if required in 2017
HR delivered by Line Managers Line Managers HR Business Partners Corporate Strategic Plans & Regional Service Management Graduates Need Exposure to Corporate Business & Line Management Requirements
National Coaching & Mentoring Guidelines 2015 National Coaching Governance Group (estd. Feb 2016) Coaching Week Promotion (May 2016) Standardised Coaching Framework for all HSE services July 2016 Mentoring Services to be rolled out across all HSE areas Q Coaching Quality Improvement and Standardisation of Services
Benefits of Using a Coach ‐ some evidence Professional coaching brings many benefits: fresh perspectives on personal challenges, enhanced decision‐making skills, greater interpersonal effectiveness, and increased confidence. And, the list does not end there. Those who undertake coaching also can expect appreciable improvement in productivity, satisfaction with life and work, and the attainment of relevant goals. Increased Productivity Professional coaching maximizes potential and, therefore, unlocks latent sources of productivity Coaching Benefits
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