Digging Into Moodle Creating and Managing Quizzes
Agenda 1.About Me & My Approach 2.About knowplace Family of Sites 3.About Moodle 4.Skill Check of (my Priority) Moodle items: Layout, Blocks, Resources, Activities, Review of Editor 1.Digging into Moodle Overview Prepare Gradebook Assignments Quizzes Questions Quiz Bank Gradebook 2.Continuing Your Learning
Assessment Tools Used in Moodle
Activities that when marked automatically appear in the GradeBook are: 1.The Assignment Activities 2.Quiz activities 3. Lesson module 4. Workshop module 5.Forum discussions (when graded or when using scales) 6.Glossary 7.Scorm What can be marked?
Everything else is marked using the offline activity assignment tool
Preparing the GradeBook for Assessments
The two central ideas of grading in Moodle 1.9 are: 1. Grades are scores attributed to participants in a Moodle course 2. The gradebook is a repository of these grades: modules push their grades to it, but the gradebook doesn't push anything back to the modules
GradeBook does nothing other than show you what is inside… Like… different views and reports of the grades Do not change figures/numbers inside the gradebook
GradeBook is like: a filing cabinet container, repository It holds information (that’s it!!!) (shows you different views (reports) of the grades
To find gradebook… Administration block >> click grades
Two Important things when setting up Gradebook
Decide which aggregation method to use. We use Weighted Mean of Grades
3 Common Types of Aggregation Methods: Simple Weighted Mean of Grades = Default method; Grades are calculated on max. points for assessments eg: 70/190 points for whole course; Categories don’t have weights Weighted mean of Grades = Categories have weights (assignments= 40%) and; Assessments in categories have weights Mean of Grades = Each assessment is equal in value Grades are normalized for course total
Simple weighted mean uses the maximum grade values to weight scores within a category rather than normalizing a grade to 100 percent before weighting. This aggregation type does not allow you to set a weight for items or the categories; it simply uses the inherent weighting you've established by setting different maximum point values.
A1 = 70/100, A2 = 20/80, A3 = 10/10: = 100/190 Simple Weighted Mean
Mean of grades calculates the score as a percentage of each graded item; adds all the percentages for a category; and divides by the number of graded items.
Weighted Mean of Grades allows you to establish weights for categories and items. These weights influence the overall importance of each item or category. For example, if a category is weighted at 50%, then regardless of the number of items in that category, the overall mean score of those items will be 50% of the student's grade.
Course grading is set up using weights such as these: * 15% - Mid-Term Exam * 25% - Labs and Field Trips * 15% - Critical Reviews * 25% - Participation * 20% - Final project Weighted Mean of Grades
A1 = 70/100 weight 10, A2 = 20/80 weight 5, A3 = 10/10 weight 3, category max 100: Weighted Mean of Grades (0.7* * *3)/18 = > 62.5/100
A1 = 70/100, A2 = 20/80, A3 = 10/10, category max 100: Mean of Grades ( )/3 = > 65/100
David LeBlanc’s setting up of gradebook (apx. 10 minutes)
Prepare Grade Book
1.Divide into 4 Groups of 3 2. Go to your Group Sandbox 3. Create a Gradebook in your Group Sandbox Set up a category: Assignments Choose Aggregation Method Aggregate non-empty grades 4. Stand Up and describe what you did (Teacher role)
Step 1 - Divide into 4 groups of 3 in each group Create a Gradebook in your sandbox Group 1 = Group 2 = Group 3 = Group 4 =
Step 2 - Go to your Group Sandbox Step 3 - Create a Gradebook in your Group Sandbox Create a Gradebook in your sandbox Set up a category: Assignments Choose Aggregation Method Aggregate non-empty grades
Step 4 - Stand Up and Describe What You Did
Need Help? Try these icons first Search: YouTube.com, google.com, teachertube.com, Moodle.org/forums Ask: someone in your group, ask a different group, frances, Andrew, Chris (Located beside most options) (Located at the bottom of each page)
Let’s see what you have created!
Moving Along Watch a Presentation = 20% Practice = 75% Teach Others = 90%