ASL 1 Mrs. Cherico
This course is designed to teach basic American Sign Language. Areas of study will include: Vocabulary Development, Grammatical Features, Cultural Awareness, and Conversational Fluency. This is an ASL course so we will be signing and the students will NOT be voicing while they’re signing. ASL and English are VERY different!! ASL is different than English because the information is visual, spatial and gestural. We will be signing every day, for a majority of the class period. ASL is a visual language so attendance is crucial!
Grade Weights: Homework: 30% Tests/Projects: 25% Quizzes: 20% Participation (including attendance): 25%
Master ASL Signing Naturally Fingerspelling and Numbers in ASL The American Sign Language Phrase Book Movers and Shakers ASLDeafined Other videos and materials will be incorporated
ASL is a visual and interactive language. Language cannot be acquired without meaningful practice, repetition, and participation. Students can earn 5 points per week for attendance and 5 points per week for participation. Excused absences will not count against their grade.
New lesson introduced every Monday Homework due every Friday Quiz every Friday Test every few weeks on Friday
Students will be assigned homework from on Monday and it will be due on Friday. I will not accept homework that is less than 80%. Students will have the opportunity to repeat their ASLDeafined homework until they achieve a score above 80%. My goal is for students to achieve proficiency and that comes from practice. The homework is due by Friday. Late homework will not be accepted. For those who have limited internet access, laptops will be in the room once a week. If need be, please try and access the Stoney Creek Library and/or media center.
Assignments, quizzes, and class news will be posted on both Facebook and Twitter. Twitter: Facebook: ASL Stoney-Creek
In an effort to go green, I will post all of the class PowerPoint and word files on the Stoney Creek website. Stoney Creek Departments World Languages American Sign Language