Reaching Communities in Crisis: Online Strategies and Resources for Disaster Recovery Equal Justice Conference 2014
Leah Margulies Project Director, LawHelp New York Adam Friedl Pro Bono Net, Program and Special Initiatives Manager Saundra Brown Manager - Disaster Relief Unit, Lone Star Legal Aid Liz Keith Program Director, Pro Bono Net Panelists
Leah Margulies LawHelpNY LawHelpNY’s Disaster Response Strategies and Resources
Welcome to New York City October 30, th & Lexington Station This was then
This is now—18 months later, currently scheduled to re-open by July 4, 2014
Breezy Point: Then and Now
My New York Legal Help blog, entries tagged Disaster Relief. Approximately 70,000 visits between when Sandy hit and the end of 2013.
New LawHelpNY blog launched this week: Rights, Education, Access, Law
In New York, there are two rebuild programs—NY Rising (NYS) and Build It Back (NYC) But to date, very few homes have been rebuilt.
Insurance, home and flood, has emerged as a top concern
The new – Disaster Recovery and Relief highlighted
TLC HEART - leader in developing resources on flood insurance
Tweeting in English
Spanish blog and Spanish Twitter
This just in: Proof of loss submissions extended to October 2014
Clinics this week
Launching this month!
Published end of February, 2014: Downloaded 652 times
Ten Trends
Five Tips
Old-fashioned way of doing outreach – but posted on flickr
Adam Friedl Pro Bono Net Technology and Disaster Legal Aid: Lessons from Sandy and Next Steps
★ PBN and the legal response to Sandy ★ New Pro Bono Net initiatives ★ Technology and disaster legal aid Outline
Sandy portal on Comprehensive resource library Over 700 pro bono attorneys trained Sandy listserv and conference calls 150+ listserv members regular participants in bi-weekly calls Online FEMA appeal generator PBN & the Sandy Legal Response
Different victims had very different needs Difficulty with government assistance Efficient pro bono allocation difficult Inequalities in storm’s impact and recovery Disaster Lawyering Conference: Observations from 1 year later
Need for attorney flexibility / coordination Preparedness and response plans important Efficient use of pro bono attorneys Technology integral to disaster legal aid Disaster Lawyering Conference: Lessons Learned
Pro bono representation conflicts Lack of communication from gov’t agencies Cross-agency collaboration Insurance policy complications Overcoming obstacles
New York Disaster Legal Response Network Disaster Legal Aid National Advisory Group FEMAAppeals tool Pro Bono Net initiatives
Goals Plan a more permanent network for New York Institutionalize collaboration Prepare the legal community for the next disaster Tentative Plan May: kick-off reception June: interest group meetings July: formal network building August: network launch New York Disaster Legal Response Network
Using the NYC Pro Bono Center ResourcesEvents Guides & Checklists News & Alerts Member directory Pro bono & volunteer opportunities
Disaster legal response experts Legal Services Corporation American Bar Association Legal services programs and law schools Pro Bono Net Web-based effort to assist legal services and pro bono attorneys with disaster- related cases Hosted on Disaster Legal Aid National Advisory Group Group information Online form for question/inquiry submission List of group members Attorneys with questions/inquiries complete online form Group members discuss questions/inquiries via listserv Designated group member responds to attorney Advisory Group Year 1 Plan
Online Question/Inquiry Submission
FEMA has no standardized appeal CBJC developed pro se form after Sandy Pro Bono Net created online version through Hotdocs/A2J Generic version to be hosted on FEMAAppeals Tool
Institutionalized use of technology to assist in service delivery Online training, preparation, resources, document assembly Technology and disaster legal aid
Less ad-hoc approach to using technology Valuable work of Pro Bono Net partners Technology and disaster legal aid
Saundra Brown Lone Star Legal Aid Initiative
Liz Keith Pro Bono Net Looking Ahead: Leveraging Technology in Response & Outreach Efforts
Providing legal information, direct assistance and referrals to those in needed – and quickly Coordinating and supporting the legal community's response Mobilizing, training and supporting volunteers Capturing and sharing knowledge of busy experts Keeping volunteers informed and engaged as the long-term needs evolve Where can technology help? Rapid Response Toolkit
Auto-responder for inbound voice or text messages Broadcast app for volunteers Ringdown Simple text-messaging HelpLine Used by Polaris Project for trafficking victims to send out a call for help SMS-powered survey Rapid Response Toolkit
Get local referral information Learn about upcoming clinics/workshops Appointment and deadline reminders SMS hotlines Other uses of SMS / text messaging to aid survivors Legal aid SMS initiatives underway in 5 states using Twilio and Mobile Commons
Emergency alerts Contact info for MEMA in 82 counties Active shelter information during a disaster Access to MEMA Twitter and Facebook updates without an account App examples - MEMA
Expert checklists
Earshot allows organization staff to receive and exchange messages, photos, completed forms, checklists, files and geographic information Used for gathering evidence, submitting field reports and coordinating personnel Communication & coordination
Red Cross Volunteer App
Considerations Build your relationships and networks before The immediate aftermath may not the time to introduce new tools Use tools your community is familiar with Any tech-enabled response will depend on the communications infrastructure of the affected region What is your experience?
Questions? Comments? Thoughts? Thank you!