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6 Realigning the soft portfolio: An NCATE perspective
7 Donna Cole Tracey Kramer & Ronald Helms RonaldHelmsRonaldHelms
9 Praxis III Criteria A classroom performance assessment system for assessing the skills of beginning teachers in classroom settings Comprised of four domains with a total of nineteen criteria Domain A: Organizing content knowledge for student learning Domain B: Creating an environment for student learning Domain C: Teaching for student learning Domain D: Teacher professionalism
10 Purpose of the Portfolio Document candidate achievement and progress during the programDocument candidate achievement and progress during the program Document application of Praxis III criteria and Wright State’s Conceptual Framework in coursework and/or the field Document application of Praxis III criteria and Wright State’s Conceptual Framework in coursework and/or the field
11 General Description Candidates must have a piece of evidence to represent each Praxis criterionCandidates must have a piece of evidence to represent each Praxis criterion Candidates must organize these to correlate with the conceptual frameworkCandidates must organize these to correlate with the conceptual framework Candidates have freedom for all selectionsCandidates have freedom for all selections Candidates must reflect how each piece of evidence meets the selected Praxis criteria and the selected strand of the conceptual frameworkCandidates must reflect how each piece of evidence meets the selected Praxis criteria and the selected strand of the conceptual framework
12 General Requirements The three main sections are identified as Introduction, CEHS Conceptual Framework Strands, and Conclusion.The three main sections are identified as Introduction, CEHS Conceptual Framework Strands, and Conclusion. All evidence must include a caption describing the evidence, explaining its importance, and relating how the selected evidence documents progress for each conceptual framework strand and the selected Praxis criteria.All evidence must include a caption describing the evidence, explaining its importance, and relating how the selected evidence documents progress for each conceptual framework strand and the selected Praxis criteria. Each Conceptual Framework Strand should have an introduction or a reflection that describes the importance of the strand and the candidate’s growth in these areas; all are to be supported by selected evidence.Each Conceptual Framework Strand should have an introduction or a reflection that describes the importance of the strand and the candidate’s growth in these areas; all are to be supported by selected evidence. The Electronic Portfolio will be presented as a CD-ROM, DVD or flash drive.The Electronic Portfolio will be presented as a CD-ROM, DVD or flash drive.
13 Strand #1 Content Knowledge “How do I SHOW I KNOW the CONTENT I am teaching?”“How do I SHOW I KNOW the CONTENT I am teaching?” “How do I REMAIN CURRENT in my content fields?”“How do I REMAIN CURRENT in my content fields?” Possible PRAXIS Criteria: A3, B3, C1, C2Possible PRAXIS Criteria: A3, B3, C1, C2 Possible Pieces of Evidence: lesson plans, Praxis II content scores, rubrics, Pre- and Post-assessments, study guides, planning webs, grades in content classes, video of teachingPossible Pieces of Evidence: lesson plans, Praxis II content scores, rubrics, Pre- and Post-assessments, study guides, planning webs, grades in content classes, video of teaching
14 Strand #2 Pedagogical Knowledge “How do I SHOW I can TEACH and ASSESS students?”“How do I SHOW I can TEACH and ASSESS students?” Possible PRAXIS Criteria: B3, B4, B5, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5Possible PRAXIS Criteria: B3, B4, B5, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 Possible Pieces of Evidence: lesson plans, schedules of lessons with allotted timeframes, pictures of projects/lessons, rubrics, quotes from critiques lesson assessments, examples of student assignments, pictures of management systems, copies of journal pages, PLT ScoresPossible Pieces of Evidence: lesson plans, schedules of lessons with allotted timeframes, pictures of projects/lessons, rubrics, quotes from critiques lesson assessments, examples of student assignments, pictures of management systems, copies of journal pages, PLT Scores
15 Strand #3 Diversity “How do I MEET the DIFFERENT LEARNING needs of my students?”“How do I MEET the DIFFERENT LEARNING needs of my students?” “How do I address their unique COMMUNITY/CULTURAL needs?”“How do I address their unique COMMUNITY/CULTURAL needs?” Possible PRAXIS Criteria: B3, A4, A5, B5, C2Possible PRAXIS Criteria: B3, A4, A5, B5, C2 Possible Pieces of Evidence: Tiered assignments, Multiple intelligence based lessons, Student interest inventories, Books used in class that address differences, Lesson plans utilized that address differences, “Getting to know you” activities that support community building, Seminars or workshops attended that address diversity, Modifications made within lessons/projectsPossible Pieces of Evidence: Tiered assignments, Multiple intelligence based lessons, Student interest inventories, Books used in class that address differences, Lesson plans utilized that address differences, “Getting to know you” activities that support community building, Seminars or workshops attended that address diversity, Modifications made within lessons/projects
16 Strand #4 Technology “How do I USE technology to PLAN and TEACH?”“How do I USE technology to PLAN and TEACH?” “How do my students USE technology in lessons/projects that I develop?”“How do my students USE technology in lessons/projects that I develop?” “How do I SHOW the ROLE technology plays in our LIVES?”“How do I SHOW the ROLE technology plays in our LIVES?” Possible PRAXIS Criteria: A4, A5, C2, B5, D3Possible PRAXIS Criteria: A4, A5, C2, B5, D3 Possible Pieces of Evidence: PowerPoint presentations, Internet-based lessons, Classroom map, Pictures, Software- based lessons, Professional development seminars, Use of Smart Boards, Use of AV equipment, Use of Music/ CDs, Grade management software, Developed website or webquestPossible Pieces of Evidence: PowerPoint presentations, Internet-based lessons, Classroom map, Pictures, Software- based lessons, Professional development seminars, Use of Smart Boards, Use of AV equipment, Use of Music/ CDs, Grade management software, Developed website or webquest
17 Strand #5 Professionalism “How do I COLLABORATE with my colleagues?”“How do I COLLABORATE with my colleagues?” “How do I COMMUNICATE with parents?”“How do I COMMUNICATE with parents?” “How do I work in a team?”“How do I work in a team?” “How do I stay CURRENT in my field and show that I am a lifelong learner?” “How do I stay CURRENT in my field and show that I am a lifelong learner?” Possible PRAXIS Criteria: D1, D2, D3, D4Possible PRAXIS Criteria: D1, D2, D3, D4 Possible Pieces of Evidence: Lesson reflections, Personal journals, Organization membership certificates, Parent letters and/or newsletters, Parent/ Community Communication Logs, Inquiry Project, IAT meeting notes, Staff meeting agenda, Attended workshops, Work with after-school club (s)Possible Pieces of Evidence: Lesson reflections, Personal journals, Organization membership certificates, Parent letters and/or newsletters, Parent/ Community Communication Logs, Inquiry Project, IAT meeting notes, Staff meeting agenda, Attended workshops, Work with after-school club (s)
18 Strand #6: Emotional Intelligence “How do I DEMONSTRATE that I am honest, fair, respectful cooperative, empathetic, and an advocate for others?”“How do I DEMONSTRATE that I am honest, fair, respectful cooperative, empathetic, and an advocate for others?” Possible PRAXIS Criteria: B1, B2, B4, D3, D4Possible PRAXIS Criteria: B1, B2, B4, D3, D4 Possible Pieces of Evidence: Techniques that show fairness, Classroom management plan, Letters received from students Pictures, Case study information, Student questionnaires, Professional dispositions checklist, Letters of recommendation, Quotes from lesson assessmentsPossible Pieces of Evidence: Techniques that show fairness, Classroom management plan, Letters received from students Pictures, Case study information, Student questionnaires, Professional dispositions checklist, Letters of recommendation, Quotes from lesson assessments