Healthy Lives, Healthy People A consultation towards developing the East Sussex Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2013-2016.


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Presentation transcript:

Healthy Lives, Healthy People A consultation towards developing the East Sussex Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Agenda The Big Picture The Health and Wellbeing Board The Health and Wellbeing Strategy The Vision and Proposed Priorities What It Means for You Have Your Say!

The Big Picture Health and Social Care Bill – NHS reforms Setting up an East Sussex Health and Wellbeing Board Developing local Clinical Commissioning Groups Transferring Public Health to East Sussex County Council Developing a Healthwatch for East Sussex Keeping an eye out for further guidance and legislation For more information and regular updates go to:

The Health and Wellbeing Board Brings together local government, local people and the NHS Supported by an assembly Main roles are to: - Assess needs through the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment - Develop a Health and Wellbeing Strategy - Promote greater integration across health and social care The Board meets quarterly and all meetings are web cast. For details, minutes and agendas go to: ngs/healthwellbeing.htm ngs/healthwellbeing.htm

The Health and Wellbeing Strategy A ‘whole life’, ‘whole system’ approach Evidence based - uses the JSNA and other data sources Focus on a small number of big issues Adds value - will not duplicate other plans already in place A framework for commissioning health and wellbeing services

The Health and Wellbeing Strategy Agreed basic principles Looked at the evidence and performance Looked at trends, demographic and lifestyle issues Looked at existing plans and activities Identified areas of focus Key development dates: –22 June – 14 September: Consultation –October: Draft strategy published –December: Final strategy and action plan published

The Vision and Proposed Priorities To protect and improve health and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities in East Sussex so that everyone has the opportunity to have a healthy, safe and fulfilling life –The best possible start for all babies and young children –Safe, resilient, secure parenting for all children and young people –Reducing the harm caused by alcohol and tobacco –Preventing and reducing falls, accidents and injuries –Enabling people to manage and maintain their mental health and wellbeing –Supporting those with special educational needs, disabilities and long term conditions –High quality and choice of end of life care

What It Means for You? Shape the first Health and Wellbeing Strategy for the county Link to broader partnership vision in Pride of Place Delivery requires a partnership approach Join up health, social care and wider services such as housing, community safety, transport, leisure, jobs and skills

Have Your Say! We want your views on: –our priorities –what we plan to do, and –what we aim to achieve You can –Involve and engage – colleagues, service users, partners –Respond – as individuals and organisations –Spread the word!

Have Your Say! Consultation documents, supporting information and survey at Consultation ends 14 September Contact: Lisa Schrevel Phone: