OUR FOCUS FOR 2011 TO 2012 The CfWI produces quality intelligence to inform better workforce planning, that improves people’s lives.
ACHIEVEMENTS TO DATE Our first year has moved from transition, mobilisation and setup, to the delivery of CfWI activities. Our focus has been on the medical workforce as this was agreed as a key priority. Key achievements include: starting to establish the CfWI within the health and social care sectors in England promoting a greater understanding of workforce planning good practice carrying out an initial review of care pathways from a workforce planning perspective a review of the information architecture.
WHAT’S NEXT? In our Business Plan for Year 2, we aim to build on the foundations and raise the bar in our coverage of workforce planning and intelligence. This plan has been informed by: work that started in our first year, to be completed this year follow on activities using the outputs of projects from our first year strategic work which follows the long term strategy of the CfWI entirely new items of work suggested by our stakeholders, partner organisations and our own staff.
CHANGING LANDSCAPE We recognise is going to be a year of enormous change for health and social care. We have deliberately not committed a full year’s funding but will review our business plan in the autumn, taking into account the outcome of the consultations on health and public health and ahead of the White Paper on adult social care.
PRIORITIES FOR 2011 TO 2012 To support a safe transition to the new healthcare system Work with new skills networks, employers and commissioners to build planning capability. Contribute to the development of effective information architecture. Respond to priority needs of the new healthcare system as it emerges. To develop and improve social care and public health workforce planning Develop an improved social care workforce planning system. Work with health and wellbeing boards to support public health workforce planning. To improve models for workforce planning Support the implementation of government workforce policy (e.g. nursing and maternity supply and demand modelling). Shift the emphasis from supply-led modelling to demand-led. To support the development of more integrated approaches to workforce planning Develop an integrated whole-system approach to scenario modelling and planning driven by the needs of patients and service users. Ensure that safety and safeguarding issues are a key consideration of our work. To support new models of service delivery Develop tools and resources to support development of cost-effective workforce and service models for employers and commissioners.
PRIORITY OUTPUTS FOR To support a safe transition to the new healthcare system To develop and improve social care and public health workforce planning To improve models for workforce planning To support the development of more integrated approaches to workforce planning To support new models of service delivery Publish a map of the new information architecture across the health and social care sector. Produce a report on the key elements of effective workforce planning. Through facilitated workshops, produce checklists and share innovative ideas on what good looks like for developing skills networks. Support a safe transition by producing education commissioning recommendations for the healthcare professional workforce. Develop a workforce planning training strategy to meet the needs of the new system. Produce a short paper that sets out the key workforce planning challenges and opportunities and the role of workforce planners in the system. Undertake action research to identify the challenges of developing integrated workforce strategies including the requirement for integrated workforce planning within health and wellbeing boards. Develop supply and demand modelling in social care. Produce a report on medical training numbers. Develop a supply and demand model for use across health and social care. Develop an integrated supply and demand workforce planning model for nursing and maternity services. Provide quarterly reports on the health visiting workforce and share good practice. Produce an evidence-based report and guidance on the key parameters affecting career choices. Validate the later age workforce planning toolkit focusing on effective discharge planning. Commission a review of the literature on patient safety, patient experience, new roles and skill mix to support the Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention (QIPP) programme. Develop foresight techniques and the CfWI approach to horizon scanning. Review and disseminate good workforce planning case studies across health and social care. Report on the implications of integrated pathway commissioning. Develop a set of benchmark criteria to measure data quality, coverage and accessibility, measured and updated through the year to track improvement process. Improve the ways we present data through use of information visualisation and geographic information system (GIS) tools.
BENEFITING THE SYSTEM Our approach is to be collaborative, collegiate and cooperative to evaluate the impact of what we do to focus on safety and safeguarding throughout our work to increase patient and service user voice to work with partners to prioritise our energy and support to provide the best intelligence, to help the system make informed decisions to contribute with innovative approaches to strengthen and improve communications, with a transparent and open approach.