WHII: SOL 12a World War II
Economic and political causes of World War II Aggression by the totalitarian powers of Germany, Italy, Japan – Ex. Italy and Ethiopia, Japan and Manchuria (China), Germany and the Rhineland, Czechoslovakia Nationalism Failures of the Treaty of Versailles Weakness of the League of Nations Appeasement Tendencies towards isolationism and pacifism in Europe and the United States
Aggression and Appeasement Japan invaded Manchuria, League of Nations condemned the action, Japan withdrew from the League then expanded control of China Italy invaded Ethiopia, sanctions by League, Italy conquered Ethiopia Germany built up military, invaded Rhineland (border of France), annexed Austria and Sudetenland, conquered Czechoslovakia
Aggression and Appeasement Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis: agreed to fight Soviet communism and no get in one another’s way (Axis Powers) Western powers chose appeasement- giving in to the demands of an aggressor in order to keep the peace and pacifism- opposition to all war U.S.- Neutrality Acts: forbade sale of arms to any nation at war, forbade loans to any nation at war, etc.
Aggression and Appeasement Neville Chamberlain “peace for our time” (Munich Conference) Nazi-Soviet Pact: agreed to peaceful relations – secretly the two agreed not to go to war against the other and divide up Poland and other eastern European nations
German invasion of Poland Sept. 1, Germany invaded Poland Blitzkrieg (lightening war) Luftwaffe (German air force) Two weeks later Britain and France declared war on Germany – WWII began!!! Russia invaded from the east
Fall of France Germany invaded Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Belgium Invaded France, trapping British troops along the English Channel (Miracle at Dunkirk) Italy declared war on France and invaded from the south June 22, France is forced to sign surrender documents
Battle of Britain August Germany launched massive air strikes first on military sites in the South, then moving to attack London London bombed every night for 57 nights in a row These attacks were known as “the blitz” Shored up British morale and support for the war Hitler unable to invade GB
German invasion of Soviet Union June violated Nazi-Soviet Pact by invading Russia – Wanted raw materials – Wanted to crush communism – Wanted to defeat Stalin (biggest threat to power) U.S.S.R. was unprepared, could not stop the German invasion Stalled by the severe winter (like Napoleon!) Siege of Leningrad-millions of Soviets starved ****Biggest mistake of Hitler****
Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor Japan seized European colonies in SE Asia U.S. banned sale of raw materials to Japan Japan saw this as a threat to the plans for expansion December 7, Japan attacked U.S. military base at Pearl Harbor Hawaii December 8- U.S. declared war on Japan December 11-Germany and Italy declared war on U.S. ****Biggest mistake of Tojo****
Famous Speech dkE dkE hN4 hN4
D-Day After advances in Russia and Italy June 6, Western powers opened a 2 nd front in Europe by invading France By August France was liberated The Allies attacked Germany from all sides, defeat seemed inevitable Yalta Conference- Big Three agree to finish was in Asia after Europe, U.S.S.R. would gain territory, eastern Europe would hold elections, and Germany would be divided into 4 zones
Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan had proved at Iwo Jima and Okinawa that they would fight to the death rather than surrender Manhatten Project- team to develop that atom bomb August 6, st bomb dropped on Hiroshima August 9, nd bomb dropped on Nagasaki August 10-Emperor Hirohito intervened and forced the government to surrender
Major leaders of the war Franklin D. Roosevelt: U.S. president Harry Truman: U.S. president after death of President Roosevelt Dwight D. Eisenhower: Allied commander in Europe Douglas MacArthur: U.S. general George C. Marshall: U.S. general Winston Churchill: British prime minister Joseph Stalin: Soviet dictator Adolf Hitler: Nazi dictator of Germany Hideki Tojo: Japanese general Hirohito: Emperor of Japan