An Age-Friendly Future: Investing In Our Workforce By: Ashley Cabral, Andrew Farah, Venesse Lewis and Shireen Salti Un future d’âge convivial: investir dans notre main-d’œuvre 1
Objective QUALITY OF LIFE Healthy & Active Diverse & Inclusive Opportunity & Security Community Participation Establish an Age-Friendly Future that promotes productivity through investment in Ontario and Québec’s workforce 2
How do the Provinces Compare? 3
Who is Involved? Quality of Life SeniorsYouthCommunities Private & Public Employers Workforce Aged 25 to 55 4
Population Projection: Ontario 5
Population Projection: Québec 6
Health Care: How do the Provinces Compare? 7
Scope of Issues & Risks: Ontario & Québec Issue: Quality of Life Training Programs Labour Force Shortages Low Fertility Increased Spending Stress on Service Delivery Labour Productivity Health Care 8
Major Components of Ontario Health Care Spending,
Healthcare Expense Outlook ($ Billions) 10
Comparative Health Expenditure: Québec & Canada, 2012 * Data illustrated above are in current dollars. ** Including Health Expenditure in Québec. Source: Canadian Institute for Health Information 11
Policy Options Overview 1 Community Hubs 2 New Funding Formula for Health Care Transfer Payments 3 An Age-Friendly Future (Recommended) 12
Option 1: Community Hubs OpportunitiesChallenges Tailored Local Needs Efficient & Sustainable Improve Accessibility Funding Beneficiaries Social Return on Investment X Collaboration Issues X Impartial Service Delivery X Rule Constraints 13
OpportunitiesChallenges Accommodation Allocation X Reduced Accountability X Inequitable Distribution X Amendments X Timely Option 2: New Funding Formula for Health Care Transfer Payments 14
Option 3: An Age-Friendly Future OpportunitiesChallenges Prevent Declining Labour force Reduced Pressures on Pension System Mentorship & Employee Engagement X Age-Discrimination X Pressures on Healthcare System remains X Youth Job Opportunities 15
The Recommendation: An Age-Friendly Future Employee Incentives (Pension Bonus & Tax Reduction) Subsidies (Subsidies up to $5,000/person) Mentorship Program (Mandatory Training) Province-wide Program Expansion (TIOW) Quality of Life 16
Implementation of An Age-Friendly Future Public Campaigns Engagement Observation PHASE 1 Present to 6 Months Subsidized Education Mentorship Program PHASE 2 6 Months to 2 Years Community Hubs Expansion of TIOW Evaluation & Report PHASE 3 2 Years to 5 Years 17
Implementation of An Age-Friendly Future: Milestones 18
Implementation Reaching local needs of unique communities Different Industry approaches for targeting skills & training seniors Communication Reach of Traditional Media vs. New Social Media Private Sector Inaction Collaboration Lack of inter- governmental coordination Private Sector Cooperation Issues of Implementation, Communication & Collaboration 19
Financial Implications Implementation Program Cost 1.Employee Incentives 2.Education Subsidies 3.Community Hubs 4.TIOW 1. $10,000/person 2. $5,000/person 3. $6 million 4. $8,000/person 20
Conclusion & Question Period QUALITY OF LIFE Healthy & Active Diverse & Inclusive Opportunity & Security Community Participation An Age-Friendly Future: Investing in Our Workforce 21