TRSM Faculty Council Proposal March 2014
Agenda What is a faculty council? What is a faculty council? Why do we need one? Why do we need one? Who can become a member? Who can become a member? How will it work? How will it work? Informal vs formal council Informal vs formal council Next steps Next steps
What is a faculty council? Governing body at Faculty (TRSM) level between Departments/Schools & Senate Governing body at Faculty (TRSM) level between Departments/Schools & Senate Reviews & approves faculty curricula, academic standards, policies and priorities Reviews & approves faculty curricula, academic standards, policies and priorities Establishes committees for the conduct of council business Establishes committees for the conduct of council business Advises the Dean on academic and strategic matters Advises the Dean on academic and strategic matters
Why do we need a faculty council? Senate Policy 45 requires it Senate Policy 45 requires it Informal (Chairs and Directors Meeting) Informal (Chairs and Directors Meeting) Formal (proposed Faculty Council) Formal (proposed Faculty Council) Collective, stronger voice at the university level Collective, stronger voice at the university level Improve development and administration of department, school, faculty and university initiatives Improve development and administration of department, school, faculty and university initiatives Foster engagement and collegiality within the faculty Foster engagement and collegiality within the faculty
Who are the members? Voting members include: Voting members include: – All RFA faculty – 2 limited contract instructors from CUPE 3904 Unit 1 – 1 undergraduate student from each department/school (12 in total) – 2 graduate students – 2 MAC staff – 5 OPSEU staff Ex-officio members – non-voting Ex-officio members – non-voting Meetings open Meetings open Others? PT students CUPE 2 Alumni Others? PT students CUPE 2 Alumni
How will it work? Governed by rules (bylaws), formal votes Governed by rules (bylaws), formal votes Elected Secretary/Chair (tenured faculty) supported by a staff member Elected Secretary/Chair (tenured faculty) supported by a staff member Meet 3 times/year (minimum) Meet 3 times/year (minimum) Recommend, approve and review: Recommend, approve and review: – Items originating from schools, departments, the Dean and governing bodies of the university – On other matters considered significant Minor matters included in a consent agenda Minor matters included in a consent agenda
Senate TRSM Dean & Formal Faculty Council ACCFINGMSHR/OBHSMHTM(ECN)ITMLAWMKTREMRMGENT YSGS Grad TRSM GPC Board of Governors Proposed Structure Informal Council (Dean’s Table)
Formal vs Informal Council CriteriaInformal Council: Chairs & Directors Meeting Formal Council: Faculty Council MembershipManagementAll RFA + CUPE, MAC, OPSEU, undergrad, grad, representatives FormatClosedPublic Improved transparency Decision MakingCentralized, fastDemocratic, Due Process Faculty EngagementLimitedIncreased PerceptionTop-downCollective voice More accountability and engagement
Next Steps January & February Comments on draft by-laws Dean & By-Law Committee to visit departments March Town hall discussions – March 7 & 14 Revise bylaws as advised and repost Vote – (electronic, RFA only, confidential, majority of voters) April If accepted, strike implementation committee Prepare submission for Senate consideration (May or June meeting) Planned: March 26-28
Issues we have heard about What about the current Councils & their bylaws? What about the current Councils & their bylaws? Should all curriculum (undergrad & grad) be approved by the Council? Should all curriculum (undergrad & grad) be approved by the Council? Is another layer necessary? Is another layer necessary? Will 3 meetings a year be enough? Will 3 meetings a year be enough? Are the numbers of members for the non-RFA categories (students, OPSEU, MAC, CUPE) appropriate? Are the numbers of members for the non-RFA categories (students, OPSEU, MAC, CUPE) appropriate?