+ Wild Rose Cleanse Unit 4 Kelly Ogden Planning 10
+ What is it? The Wild Rose Cleanse is a 12 day herbal detox which helps you try to maintain a healthy mind and body. It’s a “multi- system detoxification of the colon and kidneys; acts on the urinary tract and the gastro-intestinal system; and has an effect on the liver” in turn, cleansing and renewing your body helping with starting a new lifestyle change, something to put you mind back in place, or even to break unwanted habits. I personally have tried this detox and have loved it, I felt clean inside and out as well as I noticed a change in my mood and my skin had cleared up
+ What food can you eat? For a detox like this, it is extremely challenging as you have to live with a controlled diet which takes out Flours or flour products (pasta, cakes, pancakes, crackers, flour in sauces or gravy, Dairy products (except butter), Tropical fruits, All fermented foods (wine, beer, vinegar, soy sauce, black tea, miso) which can be challenging for a hormonal teenager. This kit does come with a diet guide with meal plans and all the foods you can eat, including the things to stay away from.
+ How do I know if this is right for me? If you are wanting to go to a healthy weight from being at an unhealthy weight this diet can help you BUT the first change in weight is everything from your bowels and water. A function of the Detox is to rid the body of excess yeast, to balance the ‘friendly’ yeast and the ‘naturally occurring yeast’ in your body. Yeast over-growths and imbalances can cause digestive problems, bloating, headaches, fatigue, and depression, which can affect the learning and intake of information at school.
+ Reviews A lot of the reviews are the same, all were “foggy and fatigued” the first 3-4 days and lots of trips to the toilet but after the 5 th day mark things start to get a bit easier. A review from Shelly Wutke said, “My energy has really rebounded. I cleaned the entire house today and then did a 5km run with the dog. I’m also noticing my jeans less snug and I’m just so happy about this, I can’t even explain.” At her 11 th day mark, which is what I had felt as well when I did this cleanse.
+ Sources what-you-can-and-cant-eat/ what-you-can-and-cant-eat/ Herbal-D-Tox-Whole-Body-Cleanse/ba-p/ Herbal-D-Tox-Whole-Body-Cleanse/ba-p/83975 yourhealthyplace.ca plug-in.bestbuy.ca caitlynloves.com health.howstuffworks.com