Diversity NASA SMD Education Community Meeting Sept , 2015
What Best Practices Were Noted? Importance of needs assessment of users Importance of relationships: how can you learn from the population you’re working with (e.g. visually impaired – help us learn to see without eyes). Iterating on ideas (why a NASA graphic might be horrible) to create meaning, co-creation. Engage your community, esp one that you’re not a member of (you may have a privilege). Partner with established groups that have a history with the underserved group and understand them. “Co-creativity” Something brief to share with scientists to know practices, e.g. SciGirls for scientists working with girls.
What Best Practices Were Noted? Our job as science educators is not to take their belief system (e.g. astrology) away from them, but meet them where they are. “Collaboration with integrity.” Coach scientists to not say “I’m wrong and you’re right” (scis do PD before working with community) Detaching from the outcome or trying to convert others. Design for the actual group or individual you’re trying to reach so you’re not setting up “failure” (of the program) Knowing who in your institution ALREADY has the time and expertise already to reach your target group. Acknowledging the “elephant in the room” – e.g. racism
What Lessons Learned Were Shared? Tribal college students at Langley. Isolated with no expectations from summer program at NASA: Expectations from leaders of programs can lead to positive or undesirable outcomes. How big media showcases audiences for big events – like Curiosity landing video – can negatively impact those who are NOT represented in the footage. (showing crowds of white men celebrating).
What TYPES of Impacts Were Noted? Who was reached and how? Detaching from an outcome of trying to change belief leads to people incorporating practices into their lives Astrobiology program in Lassen National Park – very hands on – evidence of HS kids going onto college and choosing STEM topics San Quentin program - students who went through math program had only 30% recidivism vs. 60%. They could see a job at the end of it.
What TYPES of Impacts Were Noted? Who was reached and how? Box checking and metrics are a huge problem because they don’t measure changes in attitude and engagement. Once you change those, more learning will take place. People noticed that when they focused on changing attitude and engagement with NASA activities in positive ways, science content learning increases as well.
What NASA Resources Were Leveraged? Diversity pages on the Workspace that have helpful resources Wavelength Girls Go to Mars Partnership with Girls Inc – Five Stars Pathway Calendar in the Sky - Mayan and modern Navajo Skies Touch the Sun, Touch the Solar System, etc. Adapted Curriculum Enhancements education.orgwww.ace- education.org Big Explosions and Strong Gravity (for girls) Afterschool Universe
Additional Thoughts 508 compliance – is there any proof that it’s useful and used by people? Between the World and Me (book resource)
Parking Lot Thoughts or Questions