Revision Greenwich University Disability and Dyslexia Team
Get the environment right Where will you work? You need a table or desk Do not try to work in bed or in your favourite armchair – you will fall asleep
Things to think about Light Natural Light is best. Avoid overhead light which will reflect off the page This makes eyes more tired
To sum up Create a workspace and keep it tidy and free from clutter Work in good light conditions Avoid things you know distract you Keep up fluid intake but avoid coffee and Coke Reduce stress by making sure you get enough rest and exercise
Planning your revision What do you need to revise? First break subjects up into topics Look at your notes, course handbooks and past papers to help you decide what to revise Identify personal weaknesses/gaps in knowledge Attend revision sessions offered by your school
How many topics will you cover? Ideally you will revise all of them but if you can’t make sure you do enough. So, if you have 3 questions on a paper you need to revise at least 5 topics. Less than that is risky.
Structure revision Make a timetable for each day blocking off sessions when you will have time off MorningBREAKAfternoonBREAKEvening Topic 1 Work for 2-3 hours with a minute break every minutes Non study period Topic 2 Work for 2-3 hours with a minute break every minutes
What an individual study session might look like 12 th April 2006 TOPIC Drug Calculations 9am-9.40 Converting fractions to decimals Have a break- move away from work area Review what you learnt earlier. Learn formula for converting fluid doses Learn formula for converting fluid doses Learn formula for converting tablet doses Learn formula for converting tablet doses Have a break- move away from work area Review what you learnt earlier and do practice problems Have a break- move away from work area Make some revision cards or diagram with all the information on one sheet, explain to an imaginary friend information on one sheet, explain to an imaginary friend or tape how to do a drug calculation. or tape how to do a drug calculation.
Notice! The session has a definite aim The time is divided up into short periods with SHORT breaks The session is varied – it involves reviewing and testing and active strategies The session produces something that can be looked at again nearer the time to jog the memory
To sum up Decide what you need to learn Decide where and when you can revise Make a realistic timetable matching what you need to revise to the time available Have a clear (achievable) goal for each session and check if you have reached it Break up sessions – move around, clear your head Use active revision strategies
And finally Work hard but make sure you have enough time to eat well and sleep Don’t neglect your friends and family but try to keep to the schedule you have set Be realistic – pace yourself. Two half days may be better than one full day Give yourself small rewards as you go along – and something more exciting for after the exam.