Introduction In the globalized world, migration and development are multidimensional and fast evolving phenomena. 214 million people are living outside their place of birth (about 3.1% of world population). Ukraine represents a country of origin, transit and destination of international migration flows.
Migration and Development Nexus The interfaces between international migration and development are complex and contextual (origin, transit and destination). Consensus that migration is an integral part of the development process. Migration and human security are multi- dimensional and organic in nature and integrally linked.
Positive effects of migration improvement of migrants’ financial situation, advancement of economic security due to remittances; migrants more adaptable to change and don’t rely on someone’s help; increase in linguistic competence and communication skills; expansion of cultural horizons and intercultural tolerance by exposing new cultural realities; promotion of political literacy and resposibility.
Negative effects of migration decline in health condition fertility of married couples and emotional ties between family members; damage of pedagogical and nurturing potential of the family; brain drain; irregular migration increases the risk of exploitation and human rights violations.
Total number of immigrants in Ukraine
Estimations on emigration from Ukraine (thousands persons)
Main destination countries for labour migrants from Ukraine with gender distribution ( )
Distribution of Ukrainian labour migrants according to economic activity abroad (2007 – 2008):
The main areas to be developed : the protection of rights of labor migrants abroad, including those who have irregular status; the development of employment programmes abroad on the basis of international and intergovernmental agreements on employment and social protection of workers; attracting foreign workers to Ukraine to help offset the possible effects of a “brain drain”, and to sustain the labour migration situation; the creation of conditions for the return of Ukrainian labour migrants which would contribute to the positive effects of external labour migration by transferring back to Ukraine migrants’ knowledge and experience.
Disadvantages in measuring migration contradictions between available official migration data and estimates on the real size of migration into and out of Ukraine; different terms and notions such as ‘foreign nationals’, ‘foreign students’, ‘labour migrants’ and ‘ethnic minorities’ are often mixed up and prevent researchers from holding a strict analysis of migration.