Multiples Pavlovská Kristýna 3.C
Abstract 1) Probability of conception multiples 2) Upbringing -> how to manage upbringing multiplesto their independence 3) Relationships + questionnaires
1 Probability of conception multiples WHAT decreases: Younger than 25 If a woman is from Hispanic or Asina WHAT increases: Older than 45 (17%) From Nigeria Overweight If a woman already has twins Is she is from multiples artificial insemination !!!
The number of multiple births Now artificial insemination will provide only one egg to be inseminated decrease !!!
2 Upbringing multiples vs. Children born separately Advantages: focus on the same stage of development They have company on the same mental level They always have someone to play with They can help and support each other Disadvantages: financial burden Greater burden in the first months after birth Every mother has only two hands
Parents of children, who were born separately can learn from their own mistakes and avoid them in rearing next children. With multiples you do not have a second chance.
2.1 How to leads upbringing multiples to their independence Sometimes be with each child individually - one-on-one Choose independent activity -> Support friendship with other child Adapt standards and expectations for each child separately
3 Relationship between siblings The relationship between multiples best friends The are fighting for an attention of parents Compromise and tolerance
Relationship with sibling - involve older children in education Multiples relationship with parents - favoring one child over another - health problems - Leaking out mothers from hospital with all the children at one
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